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 English thesaurus
abbr. Command, Control and Communicate; Command, Control and Coordination; Command, Control, Communications and Intelligence; tricentric; third generation of vegetative propagation
abbr., auto. computer command control system (GM); underdrive clutch
abbr., avia. command; control and communications
abbr., comp.games. consummate computer competition
abbr., el. cleaved coupled-cavity (laser)
abbr., med. Prostatic Tumor With Seminal Vesical Involvement (Jewett Staging System); Third Cervical Nerve
abbr., mil. Command, Control, and Communications; Command, Control and Communications (qwarty); consultation, command and control; command, control, and communications
abbr., mil., air.def. command, control and communication
abbr., NATO Consultation, Command and Control (Brücke)
abbr., oil propane; upper Carboniferous
abbr., physiol., med. Third Cervical Vertebra
abbr., police Cybercrime Centre (4uzhoj); Cyber Crime Centre (4uzhoj)
abbr., scottish Civil aircraft marking (Andorra); Command, Control & Communications
abbr., media. container of level 3
abbr., physiol., med. Third Cervical Vertebra
abbr., telecom. container-3
C3: 6 phrases in 2 subjects