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vases n
patents. vasi m
vases not of precious metal n
gen. vasi non in metallo prezioso
vase [vɑ:z], US: [veɪs] n
mun.plan. vaso m
 English thesaurus
VAS [væs] abbr.
abbr. Viroqua Area Schools; Visual Analog Scale
abbr., auto. vehicle diagnostic, testing and information system; vertical acceleration sensor
abbr., avia. visual attack system; vehicle advisory service; voice alerting system
abbr., comp., net. value-added service
abbr., construct. SFP (VAS - шведское сокращение для удельной мощности вентилятора; specific fan power Yakov)
abbr., el. voltage-amplifier stage (ssn); variable angle scatterometer; variable aperture stop; vector addition system; video analog switching; video animation system; virtual auditory space
abbr., el., scient. Voice Active System
abbr., IT Value Added Services
abbr., karate. vortex advisory system
abbr., meteorol. Vascular Access Society; Vestibular Aqueduct Syndrome; Viral Arthritis Syndrome; Visual Analogue Scale (Земцова Н.); visual analog scale
abbr., mil., avia. vibration analysis system
abbr., nautic., scient. VISSR Atmospheric Sounder
abbr., oncol. Vaccine Associated Sarcoma
abbr., physiol. Vertebral Algic Syndrome
abbr., physiol., med. Value Added Scheme
abbr., police Voluntary Aid Societies
abbr., post Value Added Service (special postal service like certified or registered)
abbr., scottish Visual Augmentation System; Voice-Activated System
abbr., telecom. value-added services
abbr., transp. Vibration Absorbing System; Volume Air Space
airports, avia. Sivas, Turkey
mil. visual analysis system
tech. video alarm system; visible infrared spin-scan radiometer atmospheric sounder
VASE [vɑ:z] abbr.
abbr., el. variable angle spectroscopic ellipsometer
abbr., el., scient. Variable Angle Spectroscopic Ellipsometry; Virtual Analog Synthetic Emulator
abbr., progr., IT Visualization And Application Steering Environment
vases: 15 phrases in 3 subjects