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comp., MS Motore di gestione touch
agric. industr. foglia di legatura
el.tract. controvento
industr. construct. traversa ferroviaria squadrata su due facce
met. traversa di ferro; traversa di metallica; staffa
pack. legare
transp. mater.sc. legare
| trunk
environ. agric. ceppo

noun | verb | adjective | abbreviation | to phrases
tie [taɪ] n
el.tract. controvento m
industr., construct. traversa ferroviaria squadrata su due facce
met. traversa di ferro; traversa di metallica; staffa m
pack. legare (con corda, con spago)
transp., met. traversa m; traversa ferroviaria
tie [taɪ] v
gen. pareggio; vincolo
tying ['taɪɪŋ] v
agric. palizzamento; palizzata; attacco
agric., mater.sc., mech.eng. legatura
el. nodo di piu terminali
law prestazioni gemellate
law, busin. vendita vincolata
TIE [taɪ] adj.
comp., MS Motore di gestione touch (The engine that detects and decides what a gesture (tap, pinch, zoom) means)
tie [taɪ] adj.
agric. legaccio; legacci; attacco
agric., industr. foglia di legatura
construct. tirante
fin. acquisto esclusivo
gov., law parità di voto
life.sc. collegamento ad un caposaldo
met. barra di scartamento
social.sc. laccio
stat. parità di grado
textile cravatta
transp., met. traversina
to tie [taɪ] adj.
transp., mater.sc. legare
 English thesaurus
TIE [taɪ] abbr.
abbr. Talent Ideas And Enterprise; Technologists Investors And Entrepreneurs; To Impress Everyone; Trust Integrity And Experience; Twin Ion Engine; Technology Information Exchange; The Institute of Ecology; time interest earned
abbr., avia. bus tie; technical integration and evaluation
abbr., comp., net. Tools Integration for the Enterprise
abbr., comp., net., IT Terminal Interface Equipment
abbr., data.prot. Trusted Identity Exchange (Alex_Odeychuk)
abbr., ed. Teacher Information Exchange; Technology In Education; Telescopes In Education
abbr., el. technology insertion environment; Texas information exchange; track in error; transaction interface element; transmit interrupt enable
abbr., IT Telephone Interconnect Equipment
abbr., med. Telemedicine Information Exchange; Treatment Improvement Exchange; transient ischemic episode
abbr., media. Theatre In Education
abbr., mil. Technical Independent Evaluator; Time Internal Errors; troop information and education
abbr., mil., air.def. tactical information element
abbr., mil., avia. technology integration experiment
abbr., physiol. Treatment Information Exchange
abbr., physiol., med. Toxicity Identification Evaluation
abbr., piez. time interval error
abbr., scottish Target Identification Equipment
abbr., securit. times interest earned
abbr., st.exch. Titanium Metals Corporation
abbr., tradem. Talent Ideas Enterprise; The Indus Entrepreneurs; Trucking Information Exchange
airports, avia. Tippi, Ethiopia
mil. technical information exchange
TIE [taɪ] abbr.
abbr., oil toxicity identification evaluations
abbr., space terrestrial interface equipment; transcontinental interconnection experiment
tie: 232 phrases in 30 subjects
Cultural studies1
Earth sciences5
Hobbies and pastimes2
Life sciences3
Materials science2
Mechanic engineering16
Municipal planning2
Natural sciences6
Procedural law2
Rail transport2
Textile industry5