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gen. fusto; radice
el. supporto della lampada
environ. agric. ceppo
industr. construct. met. gambo
nat.res. agric. raspo
nat.sc. filetto; fusticino dell'embrione
transp. fish.farm. dritto di prora
| and
gen. e
| leaf
met. foglio
| diagram
stat. IT diagramma

noun | verb | to phrases
stem [stem] n
gen. fusto m; radice m; supporto m; radicale m
agric. asta dell'utensile; asta della vangheggia; asta della zappetta
el. supporto della lampada
environ., agric. ceppo m
fish.farm. dritto di prua; ruota di prua
industr., construct., met. gambo m
med. peduncolo m; parte principale di un organo
met. zoccolo del mulino
nat.res., agric. raspo m
nat.sc. filetto m; fusticino dell'embrione
stat. ramo m
tech. tubo m
textile asta f
transp., fish.farm. dritto di prora
transp., nautic., fish.farm. ruota di prora; tavola di prora
stem [stem] v
gen. stelo; arrestare
stemming ['stemɪŋ] v
agric., industr. scostolatura
coal. borraggio
commun., IT, coal. intasamento o borraggio delle mine
transp. discesa frenata
 English thesaurus
STEM [stem] abbr.
abbr. Saving Through Energy Management; Systems And Techniques Effective Management; Science, Technology, Engineering, Math (translator911)
abbr., avia. shaped tube electrolytic machining; system training and exercise module
abbr., chem., scient. Soluble Trace Element Mixture
abbr., earth.sc. solar-terrestrial environment model; step method for multiobjective optimization; Sulfur Transport Eulerian Model
abbr., ed. Science Technology Engineering And Math; Students And Teachers Educational Materials; Success Through Exploring Mathematics; science, technology, engineering and mathematics; science, technology, engineering, or mathematics (Alex_Odeychuk); Science Technology Engineering Mathematics (отримання теоретичних наукових знань через практичну діяльність wikipedia.org bojana)
abbr., ed., scient. Science Technology Engineering And Mathematics; Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics
abbr., el., scient. Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy
abbr., med. Scanning Transmission Electron Microscope; Society Of Teachers Of Emergency Medicine
abbr., mil., avia. shuttle traffic evaluation model
abbr., nautic. Subject To Enough Merchandise (Availability of Cargo)
abbr., O&G, sahk.r. scanning transmission electron microscopy
abbr., oil scanning tunnel electron micrograph
abbr., opt. scanning transmission electron microscope
abbr., phys., scient. Storable Tubular Extendible Member
abbr., scottish System Trainer & Exercise Module
abbr., space shaped-tube electrolytic machining; system [spaceflight] trainer and exercise module
mil. socio-technological-economic-military; special telemetry equipped missile; system trainer and exercise module
tech. stellar tracker evaluation missile; storable tubular mast and antenna
stem [stem] abbr.
abbr., biol. s
mil. small terminal evasive missile system; standard emitter simulator
STEM-образование abbr.
abbr., ed. STEM education (spanishru)
Stem [stem] n
insur. Subject to enough merchandise
stem and leaf diagram
: 366 phrases in 30 subjects
Antennas and waveguides1
Earth sciences5
Health care14
Information technology1
Life sciences12
Loading equipment1
Materials science3
Measuring instruments3
Mechanic engineering8
Mineral products1
Name of organization1
Natural resourses and wildlife conservation4
Natural sciences42
Pharmacy and pharmacology1