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statement of changes in financial position
fin. rendiconto dei cambiamenti nella posizione finanziaria; rendiconto di capitale circolante netto; rendiconto finanziario
fin., econ. rendiconto dei flussi finanziari; situazione dei capitali
 English thesaurus
statement of changes in financial position
account. cash flow statement (The Statement of Changes in Financial Position is often referred to as the Cash Flow statement. It provides information about the operating, financing, and investing activities of the company and the effects of those activities on the cash position of the company.: IAS 7 Statement of Cash Flows – IFRS – This Standard supersedes IAS 7 Statement of Changes in Financial Position, approved in July 1977); statement of cash flows (The Statement of Changes in Financial Position is often referred to as the Cash Flow statement. It provides information about the operating, financing, and investing activities of the company and the effects of those activities on the cash position of the company.: IAS 7 Statement of Cash Flows – IFRS – This Standard supersedes IAS 7 Statement of Changes in Financial Position, approved in July 1977)