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noun | verb | adjective | to phrases
slide [slaɪd] n
gen. diapositiva f
agric., mech.eng. cava f
comp., MS far scorrere qualcosa con un dito (To place a finger on the screen, move the finger in one or more directions, and then take the finger off of the screen); scorrimento f (A gesture represented by placing a finger on the screen, moving the finger in one or more directions, and then taking the finger off the screen)
life.sc. frana f; frana per scivolamento; scivolamento m
life.sc., transp. materiali di frana
med. vetrino portaoggetti; portaoggetti m; vetrino portaoggetto; portaoggetto m (of a microscope)
met. superfice di scorrimento; crollo n; superficie di slittamento; slittamento sul piano di stratificazione; piastrina f; lastrina m; guida di scoriamento
pack. scivolare; slittare; parte interna di una scatola a manicotto (of a sliding box)
transp., mech.eng. guida di scorrimento
slide [slaɪd] v
life.sc. frana in terra
med. vetrino
slides hair grips v
gen. mollette per capelli fermagli
slides photography v
gen. diapositive
slides playthings v
gen. toboga gioco
slide [slaɪd] adj.
agric., mech.eng. risina
comp., MS scorrere (To place a finger on the screen, move the finger in one or more directions, and then take the finger off of the screen)
earth.sc. membrana; franamento
hobby toboga
industr., construct. carrello
life.sc. scivolamento in terra
mech.eng. scorrere
transp., avia. scivolo
transp., construct. apparecchio di appoggio scorrevole
transp., mech.eng. slitta; cursore
to slide [slaɪd] adj.
transp. scivolamento; scivolare; slittamento; slittare
Slide [slaɪd] adj.
gen. Diapositiva
 English thesaurus
slide [slaɪd] n
jewl. A type of pendant that features a longer bale. Often, slides are spiral pieces that encircle the chain. They can also be longer designs wherein the chain passes through and behind the front display.
mus. bottleneck
SLIDE [slaɪd] abbr.
abbr., el. source library image delivery expeditor
SLID [slid] abbr.
abbr., el. solid-liquid diffusion bonding; subscriber line interface digital
abbr., mil. Small Low-cost Intercept Device (terminal-defense system)
abbr., scottish Small Low-cost Interceptor Device
slid. abbr.
abbr. sliding
slid [slid] abbr.
abbr., earth.sc. sliding
slide: 318 phrases in 35 subjects
Automated equipment1
Computer numerical control1
Cultural studies6
Earth sciences11
Electric traction1
Hobbies and pastimes8
Labor law1
Laboratory equipment2
Life sciences7
Materials science8
Measuring instruments4
Mechanic engineering79
Municipal planning3
Natural sciences3
Pharmacy and pharmacology1
Rail transport2
Textile industry2