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noun | verb | to phrases
nod [nɔd] n
gen. cenno m
to nod [nɔd] v
social.sc. andare in orbita; andare in estasi
 English thesaurus
NOD [nɔd] abbr.
abbr. Number Of Dogs; National Organization on Disability
abbr., avia. Norden, Germany
abbr., biochem. nucleotide binding oligomerization domain (Игорь_2006)
abbr., BrE Naval Ordnance Department
abbr., busin. notice of dispatch (Yuriy83)
abbr., comp., net., IT NETS/OSG/DSG
abbr., earth.sc. nitrogenoils oxygen demand
abbr., el. network outward-dialing; noise output device
abbr., fant./sci-fi. Nodistic Order of Destruction
abbr., IT No Obvious Direction
abbr., life.sc. non-obese diabetic
abbr., med. Naito-Oyanagi Disease; Nodular Melanoma; Nonobese Diabetic (mouse)
abbr., mil., avia. naval ordnance depot
abbr., mil., WMD Notice of deficiency
abbr., oil net oil detector
abbr., physiol. nucleotide-binding oligomerization domain
abbr., scottish Non-Offensive Defence
abbr., space NASA optical disk
abbr., telecom. news on demand
comp., abbr. network out dialing
ecol., R&D. nitrogenous oxygen demand
mil. night optical device
mil., UN, tech. night observation device
tech., abbr. notice of deviation; notice of discrepancy
Nod [nɔd] abbr.
abbr. nodule
abbr., oil Nodosaria
: 11 phrases in 5 subjects
Mechanic engineering1
Natural sciences2
Social science4