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commun. el. barre orizzontali
el. ronzio; rumore di alimentazione
el. meas.inst. rumore a bassa frequenza
| bars
mech.eng. cilindretti; ciottoli; corpi macinanti; palle
met. construct. ferri Zorès

to phrases
hum [hʌm] v
commun., el. barre orizzontali
el. ronzio
el., meas.inst. rumore a bassa frequenza
med. sussurro
hum in telecommunications [hʌm] v
el. rumore di alimentazione
 English thesaurus
hum [hʌm] abbr.
abbr. human; humane; humanism; humilis
abbr., logist. human remains in coffins
agric. humoral
biol. humeral; humor
inf. humbug
HUM [hʌm] abbr.
abbr., avia. Houma, Louisiana USA
abbr., busin. humanity; humidity
abbr., earth.sc. harvard university museum; humic coal
abbr., IT Host User Management
abbr., mil., avia. health and usage monitoring
abbr., mus. Hindi Urdu Music
abbr., oil hold-up meter
NYSE., st.exch. Humana, Inc.
Hum. abbr.
abbr., earth.sc. humidity
hum: 12 phrases in 7 subjects
Antennas and waveguides3
Earth sciences1
Health care1