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comp., MS hub
corp.gov. polo; centro d'elaborazione
el.mot. giogo rotorico
mech.eng. mozzo
met. biffa di livello; punzone d'improntatura
radio stazione centrale
snd.rec. nucleo di una testina magnetica
| and
gen. e
| spoke
snd.rec. raggiatura radiale
| distribution
math. distribuzione

to phrases
hub [hʌb] n
gen. diramatore m; stazione terrestre centrale di controllo
corp.gov. polo m; centro d'elaborazione
el. nucleo m
el.mot. giogo rotorico
IT diramatore/concentratore m
law, transp. piattaforma f
mech.eng. mozzo m; mozzo del rotore; bicchiere m
met. biffa di livello; punzone d'improntatura
snd.rec. nucleo di una testina magnetica
transp. aeroporto principale; piattaforma per lo smistamento postale
transp., avia. aeroporto centrale; aeroporto di smistamento
transp., avia., engl. hub m
Hub [hʌb] n
comp., MS hub m (A place to access a set of related content and experiences. A Hub brings together apps, services and content of the same theme. A Hub weaves apps, services and content together in a way that makes sense, so that everyday tasks are easier, with fewer steps)
hubs n
patents. mozzi m
hub station [hʌb] n
radio stazione centrale
 English thesaurus
hub [hʌb] n
IT A common connection point for devices in a network, hubs are used to connect segments of a local area network (A hub contains multiple ports. When a packet arrives at one port, it is copied to the other ports so that all segments of the LAN can see all packets; LAN)
USA An organization that sorts and distributes inbound cargo from wholesale supply sources airlifted, sealifted, and ground transportable and/or from within the theater (JP 4-09) see also hub and spoke distribution, spoke
HUB [hʌb] abbr.
abbr. Hands Uplifting Brookwood; Hidden Untidy Bits; Historically Underutilized Business; Historically Underutilized Businesses; Home Unity Bible; Humbert River, Northern Territory, Australia
abbr., auto. hub unit bearing
abbr., comp., net., IT Helping U Better
abbr., ed., scient. Housing Union Building; Husky Union Building
abbr., food.ind. Hopelessly Undercooked Burgers
abbr., IT Home User And Business
abbr., law Hear Understand Believe
abbr., med. heavy uterine bleeding (ННатальЯ)
abbr., physiol., med. Hairy Under Bottom; Helps U Barf; Human Underwater Breathing
Hub [hʌb] n
comp., net., abbr. H
: 108 phrases in 16 subjects
Corporate governance2
Earth sciences3
Information technology1
Loading equipment1
Mechanic engineering41
Municipal planning2
Name of organization1
Wind Energy1