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 English thesaurus
hor. abbr.
abbr., earth.sc. horizon
lat. hora ("hour")
polym. horizontal
hor abbr.
abbr. horizon; horizontal; horology
Hor abbr.
abbr. harbour; hard; height; height above water; hotel
abbr., cartogr. hard (surface runway); hard (surface)
abbr., oil highly oriented yam
lat. Horologium (the Clock, Часы Vosoni)
HOR abbr.
abbr. Human Olfactory Receptor; hydrogen-oxygen reaction
abbr., avia. hold open rod
abbr., energ.ind. hydrogen oxidation reaction (MichaelBurov)
abbr., logist. holds on redelivery
mil. home of record
tech. hide out return
horiz abbr.
abbr. horizon; horizontal
: 6 phrases in 3 subjects
Municipal planning2