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gad [gæd] v
met. barra a cuneo; scalpello; pinza
 English thesaurus
GAD [gæd] abbr.
abbr., avia. global attributes database
GAD [gæd] abbr.
abbr. Gadsden, Alabama USA; General Anxiety Disorder; Generalised Anxiety Disorder; Generate And Display; Generic Application Development; Global Architectural Development; Global Availability Database; Guards Artillery Division; Government Actuary’s Department (kee46); General Atomic Division
abbr., avia. general aircraft declaration (Dangaard)
abbr., BrE Guards Armoured Division
abbr., earth.sc. gamma ray spectrometer-digital
abbr., ed. Gender And Development
abbr., el. germanium alloy diffused
abbr., eng. general arrangement drawing (Something in the way)
abbr., genet. glutamic acid decarboxylase (MichaelBurov)
abbr., India General Administration Department (Johnny Bravo)
abbr., med. Glutamic Acid Decarboxylase
abbr., mining. gross air dried (Alex Lilo)
abbr., O&G Gravity assisted drainage (City Monk)
abbr., oil glycol absorption dehydration; geocentric axis dipole; grid angle departure
abbr., physiol. Graft Arterial Disease
abbr., polym. general assembly drawing
abbr., psychiat. generalized anxiety disorder (MichaelBurov)
abbr., scottish General Armament Department (China; of Central Military Commission)
tech. gallium arsenide diode
gad: 6 phrases in 2 subjects
Health care4