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furniture, mirrors, picture frames
 furniture, mirrors, picture frames
patents. mobili, specchi, cornici
| goods
gen. buono; bravo
gen. merce
environ. beni
fin. beni; merci
law econ. beni reali
| of
gen. di
| wood
environ. bosco
| cork
gen. sughero
| reed
industr. construct. pettine del telaio
| cane
health. bastone
| wicker
health. impagliatura
| horn
industr. construct. corna del cervo
| bone
fish.farm. spinare
| ivory
med. eburneo
- only individual words found

to phrases
furniture, mirrors, picture frames
patents. mobili, specchi, cornici
furniture, mirrors, picture frames, goods of wood, cork, reed, cane, wicker, horn, bone, ivory, whal
: 1 phrase in 1 subject