
Google | Forvo | +
noun | adjective | to phrases
favorites n
comp., MS preferite f (The pictures that you can select to appear in the animated Pictures tile on Start, and in the Photos hub); preferiti m (The list of shortcuts to frequently-accessed websites)
Favorites n
comp., MS Preferiti m (A user-specified list of people who can be accessed quickly across Office communication and collaboration products)
favorite ['feɪvǝrɪt] adj.
commun., IT segnalibro
comp., MS aggiungere a Preferiti (To add something to one's Favorites folder); preferito (A user-defined shortcut to the most commonly used forms, reports, websites, etc)
 English thesaurus
favorite ['feɪvǝrɪt] abbr.
abbr. fav
: 4 phrases in 1 subject