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verb | adjective | to phrases
crash [kræʃ] v
gen. scontrare; scontro m
comp., MS arresto anomalo del sistema (The failure of either a program or a disk drive. A program crash results in the loss of all unsaved data and can leave the operating system unstable enough to require restarting the computer. A disk drive crash, sometimes called a disk crash, leaves the drive inoperable and can cause loss of data)
IT, el. incidente
crash [kræʃ] adj.
comp., MS arrestarsi in modo anomalo (For a system or program, to fail to function correctly, resulting in the suspension of operation)
IT guasto; malfunzionamento
to crash [kræʃ] adj.
social.sc. crash
 English thesaurus
CRASH [kræʃ] abbr.
abbr. Canadians For Responsible And Safe Highways; Computer Remediation And Share Holder; Corticosteroid Randomization After Significant Head; Cracked Rashed Abraded Stitched And Hammered; To upset; Cracked Rashed Abrased Stitched And Hammered
abbr., inf. To get some sleep To get some sleep...I don't have a place to crash tonight.; to take over
abbr., law Community Resources Against Street Hoodlums
abbr., med. Corpus Callosum Hypoplasia-retardation-adducted Thumbs-spastic Paraplegia-hydrocephalus (syndrome)
abbr., physiol., med. Cultures Resuscitation And Antibiotics Started Here
abbr., relig. Christians Running Around Saving Humans; Christians Running Around Seeking Heaven; Come Rejoice And Sing Hallelujah
crash point indicator
: 68 phrases in 17 subjects
Earth sciences1
Information technology1
Loading equipment1
Materials science1
Measuring instruments2
Textile industry1