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contact point ['kɔntækt ‘pɔɪnt]
agric., mech.eng. superficie di contatto; superficie di appoggio
el. parte di contatto
market., fin. punto di contatto
mech.eng., el. puntina platinata
transp., mater.sc. traccia dell'elettrodo
 English thesaurus
contact point ['kɔntækt ‘pɔɪnt]
avia., Canada A specified position, time or level at which an aircraft is required to establish radio communication with an ATC unit
mil., logist. In land warfare, a point on the terrain, easily identifiable, where two or more units are required to make contact. In air operations, the position at which a mission leader makes radio contact with an air control agency. (FRA)
USA In land warfare, a point on the terrain, easily identifiable, where two or more units are required to make contact. (JP 3-50) see also control point; In air operations, the position at which a mission leader makes radio contact with an air control agency (JP 3-09.3) see also control point; In personnel recovery, a location where isolated personnel can establish contact with recovery forces. (JP 3-50) see also control point
contact point: 38 phrases in 13 subjects
Antennas and waveguides3
Earth sciences1
Immigration and citizenship4
Materials science1
Mechanic engineering4
Obsolete / dated1