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commit [kə'mɪt] v
gen. affidare; impegnarsi; commettere; impegnare
comp., MS confermare (To modify a virtual hard disk associated with a virtual machine on which the Undo Disks feature has been enabled. This process modifies the parent virtual hard disk by merging the contents of an undo disk (.vud) file to the virtual hard disk)
 English thesaurus
commit [kə'mɪt] v
law to institutionalize, e.g. to a mental hospital ej. un crimen; do something, like "to commit" a crime, or to put someone in a sheriff's custody. Or to use a court order to send a person to jail
USA The process of assigning one or more aircraft or surface-to-air missile units to prepare to engage an entity, prior to authorizing such engagement (JP 3-01)
COMMIT [kə'mɪt] abbr.
abbr., med. Community Intervention Trial (for Regression Of Coronary Heart Disease; for Smoking Cessation); Comprehensive Multidisciplinary Interventional Trial (for Regression Of Coronary Heart Disease)
abbr., mil. Common Item Materiel Management; Common Item Materiel Management commit
abbr., scient. Connecting Opportunities To Motivate Mend And Intervene For Teens
commit: 21 phrases in 5 subjects
Criminal law1