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comp., MS contanti
fin. disponibilità liquide; cassa; pronta cassa; per contanti; incassare; liquidità di cassa
interntl.trade. fin. econ. contante
| and
gen. e
| carry
met. filone portante

noun | verb | abbreviation | to phrases
cash [kæʃ] n
comp., MS contanti m (A currency limited to money)
fin. disponibilità liquide; cassa f; pronta cassa; per contanti; liquidità di cassa; riserva di prima linea; cash m
interntl.trade., fin., econ. contante m; denaro liquido
law denaro in contanti; valuta m
met. scisto tenero
to cash [kæʃ] n
fin. incassare
 English thesaurus
cash [kæʃ] n
gen. money in the form of notes/bills and coins, as opposed to cheques/checks or electronic transactions (uncountable: After you bounced those checks last time, they want to be paid in cash. wiktionary.org)
abbr. cashier (Vosoni)
arch. a place where money is kept, or where it is deposited and paid out (countable: This bank […] is properly a general cash, where every man lodges his money. (1787) • She was said to have amassed a great sum of money for ill use ; 20,000l. are known to be in her cash. (1852) wiktionary.org); a money box (countable: This bank […] is properly a general cash, where every man lodges his money. (1787) • She was said to have amassed a great sum of money for ill use ; 20,000l. are known to be in her cash. (1852) wiktionary.org)
canad. cash register (countable wiktionary.org)
fin. liquid assets, money that can be traded quickly (as distinct from assets that are invested and cannot be easily exchanged) (uncountable): Cash offers a return of virtually zero in many developed countries. wiktionary.org)
gambl. an instance of winning a cash prize (countable wiktionary.org)
inf. money (uncountable: Paying yourself first also implies that you have some understanding of your cash flow, which means that, yes, you must set a budget. wiktionary.org)
CASH [kæʃ] abbr.
abbr. Community Accountancy Self Help; Compensation And Accountability To Soaked Homeowners; First Midwest Financial, Inc.; Computer Aided Service Handling (Ashton-Tate); Centralized Access to Supported Housing (в Канаде, помощь бездомным Leonid Dzhepko)
abbr., avia. computer aided system hardware
abbr., el. computer-aided systems hardware
abbr., med. Cancer And Steroid Hormone (study); Cardiac Arrest Study, Hamburg; chemotherapy-associated steatohepatitis (ННатальЯ); Commission for Administrative Services in Hospitals
abbr., mil., avia. computer aided sizing of helicopters
abbr., psychiat. Comprehensive Assesment of Symptoms and History
abbr., relig. The Continental Association Of Satan's Hope
cash. abbr.
abbr., econ. cashier
cash [kæʃ] v
gen. to exchange a check/cheque for money in the form of notes/bills (transitive wiktionary.org)
cards, slang to obtain a payout from a tournament (poker slang wiktionary.org)
CASH [kæʃ] abbr.
abbr. Catalog of Available and Standard Hardware (VasilinaB)
abbr., oil computer-aided system hardware; computer-assisted subject heading
: 625 phrases in 27 subjects
Corporate governance2
Information technology2
International trade1
Labor law3
Labor organization1
Security systems1
Social science7
United Nations1