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gen. coperta
agric. industr. bagnamento
book.bind. placcare
comp., MS caso; maiuscole/minuscole; caso; cassa
el. contenitore multiplo
mech.eng. carcassa; corpo
| rate
fin. cambio

noun | verb | adjective | abbreviation | to phrases
case [keɪs] n
gen. coperta m (The hard cover of a publication); bossolo per cartuccia
agric., industr. bagnamento m
book.bind. placcare
chem. telaio m; custodia f (of a balance)
coal. involucro di carta paraffinata
comp., MS caso m (A customer service issue or problem reported by a customer and the activities that customer service representatives use to resolve it); maiuscole/minuscole f (In text processing, an indication of whether one or more alphabetic characters are capitalized (uppercase) or not (lowercase). A case-sensitive program or routine distinguishes between uppercase and lowercase letters and treats the word cat as totally distinct from either Cat or CAT. A case-sensitive program that also separates capitalized and lowercased words would list Arkansas before aardvark or antimony, even though its alphabetic position follows both lowercased words); caso m (A customer service issue or problem reported by a customer and the activities that customer service representatives use to resolve it); cassa f (A receptacle for holding goods to be stored or transported)
el. contenitore multiplo; camicia f; contenitore m
IT, el. custodia f
mech.eng. carcassa f; corpo m; carter del reattore
med. caso di malattia
met. strato carburato; strato marginale; fessura acquifera; superficie m
mun.plan. cassetta m; piastra supporto per serratura
pack. astuccio m; rivestimento m; gabbia f; cassa f (in legno); scatola f (imballaggio realizzato con materiali come cartone solido о ondulato, metallo, legno о plastica)
transp., industr., construct. cassa f
casing ['keɪsɪŋ] v
agric. terra di copertura; terricio; rivestimento
agric., industr. concia
coal., el. armatura del pozzo; rivestimento del pozzo; tubazione; tubazione di rivestimento
construct. cassaforma; cassero per trave
energ.ind. colonna di rivestimento; tubaggio
fish.farm. cassa del bozello
health. guaina
industr., construct. carcassa; alloggiamento; pacco
industr., construct., met. incamiciatura
life.sc., el. scatola
mater.sc. mascheraggio; impalcatura
mech.eng. copertura; carter del motore
met. telaio
mun.plan., construct. controtelaio fisso
transp., mech.eng. involucro; carter di protezione
case [keɪs] adj.
commun. copertina
mech.eng. scatola
 English thesaurus
CASE [keɪs] abbr.
abbr., auto. crankshaft speed
abbr., avia. chief airframe system engineer; controller and signal evaluation; coordinating agency for supplies evaluation
abbr., IT Computer Aided Selling
abbr., med. computer-assisted system for exercise
case [keɪs] n
invest., abbr. ca.
law A lawsuit. Or a complaint filed in criminal, traffic, or civil court; criminal lawsuit; civil lawsuit
law, abbr. ca
CASE [keɪs] abbr.
abbr. computer aided system evaluation; Centre for Advanced Studies in Environment; computer-aided software engineering; Clarkston Area Speak Easy Toastmasters Club; Confidence Accessibility Safety And Efficiency; Confidence, Accessibility, Soundness, And Efficiency; Centers of Advanced Study and Education (shpak_07); Citizens Action for Safe Environment; Citizens Association for Sound Energy; Committee on Academic Science and Engineering; Common Application Service Element; computer automated; Computer-Assisted Software Engineering; Consortium for Accreditation of Sonographic Education (Anglophile)
abbr., auto. cranking angle sensing error
abbr., automat. common application service elements
abbr., avia. computer-assisted system-evaluation
abbr., chem. Coatings Adhesives Sealants Elastomers (ZVI-73)
abbr., comp. Computer Application Service Elements (Vosoni)
abbr., comp., net. Computer-Aided Software Engineering
abbr., dat.proc. computer-assisted software engineering
abbr., econ. Council of American States in Europe (Vosoni)
abbr., ed. Chicago Academic Standards Examinations
abbr., ed., scient. Computer Aided Software Engineering; Computer-Aided Systems Engineering; Council for Advancement and Support of Education
abbr., el. computer application service element
abbr., el., scient. Computer- Aided Systems Engineering
abbr., fin. Cairo & Alexandria Stock Exchange
abbr., inet. Comparison Alternative Shopping Engine
abbr., IT Common Application Service Elements; computer-aided science engineering; Computer-aided software engineering
abbr., med. Cognitive Assessment Scale For The Elderly
abbr., mil. Combined Arms Synthetic Experiment; Computer Aided System Engineering; Corps and Subordinate Echelons; Corps Area Support Element
abbr., mil., avia. commission on accreditation of service experience
abbr., nautic., scient. Coordinated Air- Sea Experiment
abbr., oil climatology and simulation of eddies; Committee cxi Academic Science and Engineering; computer aided systems engineering; computer-aided systems evaluation
abbr., polym. Coatings, Adhesives, Sealants & Elastomers (kondorsky)
abbr., progr. computer assisted software engineering (ssn); computer-aided software engineering (ssn)
abbr., scottish Close Air Support Evaluation; Coherent Active Source Experiment (USA); Combined Arms Systems Engineering; Computer-Aided System Engineering
abbr., space computer and system engineering; computer assisted system evaluation; computer automated support equipment; coordinated aerospace supplier evaluation; crew accommodations and support equipment
abbr., st.exch. Cairo and Alexandria Stock Exchange
abbr., steam. Cellulose Acetate Strip Electrophoresis (электрофорез на полоске из ацетата целлюлозы ochernen)
abbr., transp. Continuing Automotive Service Education
mil. communications, analysis, simulation and evaluation; computer-aided system evaluation; computer-automated support equipment; corps and subordinate echelons; Counteragency for Sabotage and Espionage
tech. common access switching equipment; computer-aided software/system engineering; coordinating agency for supplier evaluation
: 1130 phrases in 62 subjects
Book binding2
Criminal law3
Cultural studies11
Data processing1
Earth sciences21
Electric traction3
Electrical engineering3
Energy industry1
Fish farming pisciculture1
Food industry3
Health care14
Immigration and citizenship5
Information technology30
International trade1
Labor law1
Life sciences6
Materials science34
Mechanic engineering78
Municipal planning6
Natural sciences10
Nuclear physics2
Pharmacy and pharmacology7
Power lines1
Power system protection1
Procedural law2
Research and development2
Social science9
Wind Energy1
Work flow1