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noun | verb | to phrases
caption ['kæpʃ(ə)n] n
astr. leggende f
commun. spiegazione n; intestazione f; titolo m
commun., tech., chem. didascalia f
comp., MS didascalia f (Descriptive text that is associated with a piece of content, such as an image); sottotitolo m (Descriptive text that is associated with a piece of content, such as an image); barra del titolo (The horizontal bar at the top of a window that displays the name of the window. Title bars can contain different buttons, such the Minimize, Maximize, and Close buttons, so that you can control how you want to view the window)
fin. voce f; posta m; rubrica f
polygr., model. legenda f
captioning v
IT sottotitolaggio per sordi; sottotitolazione per sordi
 English thesaurus
caption ['kæpʃ(ə)n] n
law What is written at the top of all papers called "pleadings" given to the court. It says things like case name, court, and case number
tech., abbr. capt.
caption: 12 phrases in 4 subjects
Information technology3