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can [kæn] n
gen. barattolo m; essere in grado di; lattina f; potere m; sapere m
pack. petroliera m; tanica f (a sezione quadrata о rettangolare); bidone m (a sezione cilindrica); barattolo conserve; conservare in barattoli; barattolo metallico; imballare in barattoli; inscatolare; barattolo per alimenti conservati; barattolo m (originally: can AE, tin BE); riempire i barattoli
textile brocca f
 English thesaurus
Can [kæn] abbr.
abbr., commer. Canadian Dollar
Can. abbr.
abbr., commer. Canadian; Canadian dollar
abbr., earth.sc. Canada; canal; cancrinite
Cana. [kæn] abbr.
abbr. Canadian
Can $ [kæn] abbr.
abbr., oil Canadian Dollar
CAN [kæn] abbr.
abbr. Clean Air Now; Cure Autism Now; cable television; Canadian Dollars; Citizens Awareness Network; Coastal Air Navigation Supplement; Complete Area Networks (SNI); Control Area Network (Vosoni); Cosmopolitan Area Network; Customs Assigned Number (Vosoni); cancel character instruction
abbr., auto. certificate of ownership
abbr., automat. controller area network
abbr., avia. Guangzhou, Mainland China; canopy (Interex); cansellation (Interex); command analog (Interex); Committee on Aircraft Noise; certification analysis network; communication airborne node; comparator accelerometer; controller action notice; copper nickel alloy; cabin
abbr., biotechn. carbon atom number (Altuntash)
abbr., chem. ceric ammonium nitrate ((NH4)2Ce (NO3)6 Jespa); calcium ammonium nitrate
abbr., comp. cancel 1.
abbr., comp., net. customer access network
abbr., comp., net., IT Controller Area Network
abbr., corp.gov. comprehensive needs assessment
abbr., el. cancel (character); cable area network; car area network; city area network; compact access node; controler area network; correlation air navigation; customer assigned number
abbr., file.ext. Fax (Navigator Fax)
abbr., inf. Another name for the bathroom
abbr., IT Cancel; Fax; cancel character
abbr., manag. change advice note
abbr., med. Cancer; Candida; Cannabis; Cardiac Autonomic Neuropathy; chronic allograft nephropathy (iwona); cardiac autonomic neuropathy (iwona)
abbr., mil. Account Control Number; Campus Area Network; Center for Naval Analysis; Commander's Narrative Analysis
abbr., mil., avia. cooperative agreement notice
abbr., nautic. Guangzhou, China
abbr., oil.proc. CAN region (MichaelBurov); Canada (MichaelBurov)
abbr., org.name. Andean Community
abbr., physiol. Chronic Allograft Nephropathy
abbr., plast. cellulose acetate nitrate
abbr., scottish Aircraft Classification Number
abbr., st.exch. American National Can Group, Inc.
abbr., textile National Standard of Canada
mil. Canadian
NASA Canberra
can [kæn] abbr.
abbr. cancellation; canister; canon; tin
abbr., busin. cancelled; cancelling; canvas
abbr., slang cas (Interex)
slang bathroom (Do you know where the can is?)
USA tin (брит. Bobrovska)
can. abbr.
abbr. cancelled; canvas
abbr., earth.sc. cancel; canon
abbr., libr. canto
IT cancellation
law cancelling date
Can [kæn] abbr.
abbr. canal; canyon; Canada; Canadian patent
-can abbr.
abbr. transistor-out-line metal-can package
canc [kæn] abbr.
abbr. cancelled (Vosoni)
cans abbr.
abbr. headphone
CANS abbr.
abbr. Civilian Air Navigation School; The Child and Adolescent Needs and Strengths (functional needs assessment for people with developmental disabilities ages 17 and younger Анастасия Беляева)
abbr., avia. ANS Combined Facility; Combined ANS; civil air navigation school
abbr., electr.eng. computer-assisted network scheduling system
abbr., mil. Cabinet for Noise Suppression
cans: 224 phrases in 32 subjects
Antennas and waveguides2
Earth sciences5
Food industry1
Health care3
Hobbies and pastimes1
Information technology3
Labor law6
Materials science7
Measuring instruments1
Mechanic engineering5
Municipal planning2
Textile industry6