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noun | noun | abbreviation | to phrases
bit [bɪt] n
met. punta f; saetta m; mecchia f; frammento m
telegr. elemento binario
bits n
med. filigrana f
bit [bɪt] n
gen. pezzo m
coal. tagliente m; scalpello da sonda
industr., construct. morso m
IT numero binario
IT, tech. shannon m; cifra binaria
math. bit m
mech.eng. denti riportati; taglio m
met. punta scaldante di saldatoio
bit binary digit [bɪt] n
IT cifra binaria
IT, engl. bit m
bits hand tools n
gen. trapani utensili
bits parts of hand tools n
gen. chiocciole parti di utensili
 English thesaurus
BIT [bɪt] abbr.
abbr. built-in testing; Basic Interconnection Test (ISO 9646-1); Bradford Institute of Technology; British Institute of Welding
abbr., auto. best injection timing; board information terminal
abbr., avia. builtin test; bulk inclusive tour
abbr., comp. built-in testing (MichaelBurov)
abbr., comp., net. Brain Intelligence Test (Artjaazz); binary information transfer; Broadband Infrastructure Technology
abbr., ed., scient. Baran Institute of Technology; Beijing Institute Of Technology; Biomedical Informatics Tutorial; Birla Institute of Technology, Mesra, Ranchi
abbr., el. binary information transfer; Bipolar Integrated Technology Inc.; bipolar transistor; bump interconnection technology
abbr., file.ext. Bitmap graphics
abbr., inet. Because It's Time
abbr., IT Bitmap graphics; Bitmap Image Touchup
abbr., mil. built-in test; Binary digit; Built In Test
abbr., mil., air.def. binary information transmission
abbr., mil., avia. base information protection
abbr., nucl.phys. book inventory taking
abbr., oil balanced isolation tool (andrushin)
abbr., phys., scient. Bulk Ion Temperature
abbr., physiol., med. Bitartrate
abbr., polit. Bilateral investment treaty (between China and USA Val_Ships)
abbr., progr., IT Business And Information Technology
abbr., scottish Built-In Test
tech. boron injection tank
bit [bɪt] abbr.
abbr. binary digit
abbr., el. binary unit
abbr., oil bitumen; bituminous
IT, tech. bit; shannon
nautic. bitt (вк)
Bit [bɪt] abbr.
abbr. BInary digiT; bitumen; bituminous
bit. abbr.
abbr., earth.sc. bitumen
BITS [bɪt] n
interntl.trade., abbr. Bilateral Investment Treaty (ies)
BIT [bɪt] abbr.
abbr., med. Burp In Transit (gas Seen In The Stomach On An Abdominal Film)
BITS abbr.
abbr. Bitstream, Inc.; British Isles Traveller Support; Bond Integrity Test System (вася1191)
abbr., avia. battery instrumentation test set; built-in test selection; bus interconnect transfer switch
abbr., commun. Building Integrated Timing Supply System
abbr., ed., scient. Birla Institute Of Technology Science
abbr., el. building integrated timing supply (clock); battlefield information transfer system; biotechnology information toolkit software
abbr., IT Background Intelligent Transfer Service; Ballynahinch Internet Technology Society; Bank Information Tracking System; binary digits
abbr., law Bulldogs Into The Streets
abbr., Makarov. burn-in test system
abbr., media. Broadcast Information Technology Services
abbr., mil. Battlefield Information Transmission System; Basic Information Transfer System
abbr., mus. Blues In The Schools
abbr., post Base Information Transfer System (US military address change system)
abbr., railw. Building Integrated Timing Supply system
abbr., sport. Bureau International du Tourism Social
abbr., telecom. bit synchronization; building integrated timing system
abbr., tradem. Bridle Information and Technology Solutions
mil. battlefield intelligence targeting system
tech. binary intersystem transmission standard
BITs abbr.
abbr., el. Bell integrated telecommunications system
bits: 536 phrases in 29 subjects
Automatic control1
Earth sciences1
Health care4
Hobbies and pastimes1
Information technology101
Life sciences4
Mechanic engineering13
Natural resourses and wildlife conservation1
Natural sciences2
Oil / petroleum2
Power lines11
Sound recording4
Textile industry1