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asylum seeker
 asylum seeker
int. law. immigr. richiedente l'asilo
| who
gen. quale; che; chi
| has
gen. avere; possedere
| exhausted
industr. scarico
| all
gen. tutto
| remedies
med. medicine

to phrases
asylum seeker
int. law., immigr. richiedente l'asilo
law, immigr. persona che presenta una domanda di asilo; richiedente asilo
 English thesaurus
asylum seeker
mil., logist. A person who invokes the protection of the 1951 United Nations Convention relating to the Status of Refugees before the national authorities of a State and claims persecution to gain official refugee status in that country. (FRA)
asylum seeker: 30 phrases in 5 subjects
Human rights activism1
Immigration and citizenship12