
   English Italian
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gen. che aiuta
agric. chem. additivo
econ. coadiuvante
health. rimedio coadiuvante; rimedio corroborante
| type test
 type test
gen. prova tipo
el. sec.sys. prove di tipo
industr. prova di tipo
med. prova del visus

noun | verb | to phrases
adjuvant ['æʤuvənt] n
agric., chem. additivo m
econ. coadiuvante m
health. rimedio coadiuvante; rimedio corroborante
pharma. adiuvante m
adjuvant ['æʤuvənt] v
gen. che aiuta
 English thesaurus
adjuvant ['æʤuvənt] n
med. A substance added to a drug to enhance the effects of the drug. Adjuvant also refers to a substance added to a vaccine to boost the body's immune response to the vaccine.
adjuvant-type test
: 21 phrases in 5 subjects
Animal husbandry1
Health care1