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UA abbr.
comp., MS agente utente (A program that helps a client connect with a server)
Ua abbr.
tech., mech.eng. zona effettiva di indecisione; Ua
 English thesaurus
UA abbr.
abbr. Undercover Agent; Underlying Asset; Unified Agenda; Harley-Davidson World War II 74 cubic inch V-twin military motorcycle model (Alex Lilo); Routine (pilot report message type Alex Lilo); the United Artists; U Asshole; U'ltimos Adictos (Guatemala rock group Alex Lilo); Ulkomaankaupan Agenttiliitto (Finnish Foreign Trade Agents' Federation, aka: FFTAF; Suomeksi Alex Lilo); Ultimate Adventures (Alex Lilo); Ultimate Adversaries (D20 Star Wars Roleplaying sourcebook Alex Lilo); Unable to Approve Arrival for the Time Specified (Alex Lilo); Unaddressed (Alex Lilo); Unarmed (gaming Alex Lilo); Unarmored (gaming Alex Lilo); Unattended (Alex Lilo); Unauthorized Absence (Article 86 UCMJ Alex Lilo); Unavailable (Alex Lilo); Unbalanced Asynchronous (HDLC); Unbelievably Amazing (Alex Lilo); Und Andere (German: and others Alex Lilo); Under Age (Alex Lilo); Under Armour (stock symbol Alex Lilo); Underactive (Alex Lilo); Undergraduate Assistant; Underground Access; Underground Area; Underground Atlanta (Alex Lilo); Underwriters Accepted (Alex Lilo); Unfair Advantage (CSI Data Alex Lilo); Uniform Act (Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisitions Policies Act of 1970, as amended Alex Lilo); Uniform Allowance (Alex Lilo); Union Avoidance; Unique Address (Alex Lilo); Unique Applications (Alex Lilo); Unit Administration (Alex Lilo); Unit Administrator (military term Alex Lilo); Unit Area (Alex Lilo); Unit Attack; Unit Authorization; Unit of Action (Alex Lilo); Unitary Authority (local government area, UK Alex Lilo); United Association of Journeymen and Apprentices of the Plumbing and Pipe Fitting Industry of the United States and Canada (Union Alex Lilo); Units of Account (banking Alex Lilo); Universal Adversary (Alex Lilo); Universal Architecture (Alex Lilo); Universal Army; urinalysis (Vosoni); Universe Of Actions; Universidad de Alicante (Spain Alex Lilo); Universidade da Amazo^nia (Brasil Alex Lilo); Universidade de Aveiro (Portugal Alex Lilo); University Archives (Alex Lilo); University at Albany (SUNY Alex Lilo); University of Aberdeen (UK Alex Lilo); University of Akron (Ohio Alex Lilo); University of Alabama (Alex Lilo); University of Alaska (Alex Lilo); University of Alberta (Alex Lilo); University of Antwerp (Alex Lilo); University of Arizona (Alex Lilo); University of Arkansas (Alex Lilo); University of California Audits (Alex Lilo); University of the Arctic (Alex Lilo); Unlimited Adventures; Unmanned Aircraft (Alex Lilo); Unmarried America (Alex Lilo); Unnecessary Acronym (Alex Lilo); Unnumbered Acknowledge; Unnumbered Acknowledgement; Unnumbered Acknowledgment (HDLC); Unreal Annihilation; Unstable Angina (Alex Lilo); Unter Anderem (German: Among Other Things Alex Lilo); Update Analysis (Alex Lilo); Update Attribute; Upgrade Advantage (MS); Upper Air (Alex Lilo); Upper Arlington (Ohio Alex Lilo); Upper Arm (Alex Lilo); Uracil-Adenine (RNA base pairing Alex Lilo); Urban Area (Alex Lilo); urbanized area; Urine Analysis (Alex Lilo); User Account (Alex Lilo); User Activity (Alex Lilo); User Agency (Alex Lilo); User Agreement (Alex Lilo); User Assistance (Alex Lilo); User Authentication (Alex Lilo); User Authored; Utilities Act; Utility Accrual (Alex Lilo); Uto-Aztecan (language Alex Lilo); user acquisition (alex_translator)
abbr., alum. Utilization of Available Equipment
abbr., avia. unit assembly; unusual attitude (unusual attitude maneuver); ultra audible; underwater vehicle; united aircraft corporation; united airline Inc.; user application; United Airlines Inc.
abbr., earth.sc. unconfined aquifer; University of Alberta (Canada); uranium analyser; usable area
abbr., ed., scient. The University Of Alabama; Undergraduate Association
abbr., el. unauthorized access; unit address; unit available; universal asynchronous; upper accumulator; uranium monoarsenide
abbr., insur. Underwriting account
abbr., IT Universal Access; Unlimited Access; User Agent; user area
abbr., lab.eq. UrinAlysis; Urinary Albumin
abbr., med. unstable angina (ННатальЯ); Umbilical Artery; Unicystic Ameloblastoma; Uric Acid; Uridylic Acid; Urinalysis; Uronic Acid; urinalysis; clinical urine analysis (MichaelBurov); clinical urine examination (MichaelBurov); common urine analysis (MichaelBurov); common urine examination (MichaelBurov); urine analysis (MichaelBurov); Uterine Activity (iwona); unaggregated; urine aliquot
abbr., media. United Artists
abbr., mil. Un Authorized; Unit Of Account; Unlimited Ammo; unmanned aircraft
abbr., mil., air.def. user asynchronous user data
abbr., OHS usnafe acts (Ася Кудрявцева)
abbr., oil unclassified agmatite; uniform array
abbr., oncol. UrinAnalysis
abbr., oncol., med. Urine analysis
abbr., physiol. under anesthesia; Uterine Artery; Uterine Aspiration
abbr., plast.surg. ulnar artery
abbr., polit. Ukraine
abbr., space uncontrolled airspace
abbr., sport. Ultimate Adventure
abbr., tradem. United Airlines
abbr., transp. Urbanized Area
energ.ind. uncertainty analysis
invest. underwriting agreement; unit of account
meteorol. upper air analysis
tech. ultra-audible; ultrasonic attenuation; unauthorized absence; unipole antenna; unsafe action
UA. abbr.
abbr., econ. unit of account
Ua abbr.
tech., mech.eng. Ua
ua abbr.
abbr. unauthorized absence; microampere
med. without pathological findings (Andrey Truhachev)
Ua. abbr.
abbr., econ. underwriting account
.ua abbr.
file.ext. Ukraine
: 4 phrases in 3 subjects
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