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Suppression of Enemy Air Defences
gen. soppressione difese aeree nemiche
Suppression of Enemy Air Defence
gen. Inattivazione della difesa aerea nemicaSuppression of Enemy Air Defence; soppressione della difesa aerea nemica
 English thesaurus
Suppression of Enemy Air Defence
abbr. SEAD
abbr., scottish SEAD (s)
suppression of enemy air defences
mil., logist. That activity which neutralizes, temporarily degrades or destroys enemy air defences by destructive and/or disruptive means. (UKR/NATO); Organizational measures, air operations and the use of electronic warfare assets and various weapons, aimed at reducing the effectiveness of enemy air defences and ensuring successful accomplishment of assigned missions. It is achieved for each sortie by supporting operations and various tactical procedures. (UKR/NATO)