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SFU abbr.
gen. USC
agric. Unione Svizzera dei Contadini
 English thesaurus
SFU abbr.
abbr., anim.husb. Scandinavian Feed Unit
abbr., astronaut. Space Flyer Unit (Japan); space free-flying unit
abbr., avia. Safia, Papua New Guinea; standby filter unit; signals flying unit
abbr., comp. Switch and fabric unit (merryca)
abbr., earth.sc. stacked filter unit
abbr., ed., scient. Saint Francis University; Simon Fraser University
abbr., el. sensor fusion unit; signaling frequency unit; special function unit
abbr., fant./sci-fi. Star Fleet Universe
abbr., immunol. syncytium forming unit
abbr., med. syncytium-forming unit
abbr., mil. Special Forces Unit
abbr., pharm. safety follow-up (Анастасия_О)
abbr., progr., IT Services For Unix
abbr., scottish Societe des Fonderies d'Ussel (France)
abbr., telecom. store-and-forward unit; store and forward unit
abbr., tradem. Salted Fish United
mil. standard firing unit