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QA [,kju:'eɪ] abbr.
comp., MS Agente quarantena (A client component responsible for the collection and management of health information for a machine as well as facilitating the isolation of that machine from others on the network; it coordinates information between the various System Health Agents (SHAs) and Quarantine Enforcement Clients (QECs)); controllo di qualità (A planned and systematic means for assuring that defined standards, practices, procedures, and methods are applied to the project and its results)
 English thesaurus
QA [,kju:'eɪ] abbr.
abbr. Quality Assessment; question and answer; Quick Arbitration (HD); quantitative analysis (ВосьМой); Q-adapter
abbr., avia. queue access; qualified assemble
abbr., chem. quaternary ammonium compound
abbr., econ. quasi-analytic method
abbr., ed. Questions And Answers
abbr., ed., scient. Qualified Admissions
abbr., el. quantizer adapter; query analyzer; question and answering; queued arbitrated slot; quick access
abbr., IT Query All; Quality assurance
abbr., math. quasi analytical (MichaelBurov); quasi-analytical (MichaelBurov)
abbr., math., scient. Qualified Actuary
abbr., med. Quality Assurance
abbr., mil. Quick Action; quality assurance
abbr., mil., avia. quadrant angle
abbr., nurs. British Army slang/abbreviation for member of the Queen Alexander's Royal Army Nursing Corp usually a nurse.
abbr., oil qualification approval; quality audit; quaternary ammonium; quick acting; quick assembly; quick assets; quite abundant
abbr., polit. Qatar
abbr., radio quiescent antenna
abbr., space quadrant antenna; qualitative analysis; quantum amplifier; quarternary alloy; quenching agent
abbr., telecom. Queue Arbitrated Access
mil., abbr. quarters allowance; quick-acting
tech. quality analysis
tech., abbr. quick-acting relay; quiescent aerial
Qa [,kju:'eɪ] abbr.
abbr. quenched again
qa [,kju:'eɪ] abbr.
radiol. Quality Assurance (проверка качества: процедура оценки работоспособности системы или программного обеспечения и подтверждения соответствия существующим стандартам VasDoc)
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