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Private Branch Exchange
comp., MS centralino m (A private telephone network in an organization. Individual telephone numbers or extension numbers are supported, and calls are automatically routed to them. Users can call each other using extensions. They can also place calls to outside numbers)
private branch exchange
commun. centralino interno parzialmente o totalmente abilitato; centralino privato; centrale privata; centralino telefonico privato; impianto per grandi parlatori
tel. centralino telefonico
 English thesaurus
Private Branch Exchange
abbr., file.ext. PBX
abbr., post PBX (telephone)
private branch exchange
IT A telephone exchange that is owned by a private business, as opposed to one owned by a common carrier or by a telephone company
Private Branch eXchange
IT, abbr. PBX (Nebenstellenanlage); PBX (Telephony)
Private Branch Exchange A private telephone network in an organization. Individual telephone numbers or extension numbers are supported, and calls are automatically routed to them. Users can call each other using extensions. They can also place calls to outside numbers
abbr., comp., MS PBX (Private Branch Exchange)
Private Branch Exchanges
mil., abbr. PBX
Private Branch Exchange: 12 phrases in 2 subjects