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comp., MS fisico; fisico
| or
gen. o; oppure; ovvero
| psychological
med. psicologico
| pressures
pack. stampa
exerted | with
gen. con
| the
fin. agenzia gestita da terzi
| intent
gen. intenzione
| to
gen. a
| assure
gen. promettere
| that
gen. che
| an
gen. uno
| agent
law environ. chem. agenti
| or
gen. o
| group
fin. gruppo
| will
law testamento
| respond
comp., MS rispondere
| as directed
 as directed
gen. ut dictum
- only individual words found (there may be no translations for some thesaurus entries in the bilingual dictionary)

noun | adjective | to phrases
physical ['fɪzɪk(ə)l] n
comp., MS fisico m (In computing, of, pertaining to, or characteristic of a real, as opposed to a conceptual, piece of equipment or frame of reference)
physical ['fɪzɪk(ə)l] adj.
comp., MS fisico (In computing, of, pertaining to, or characteristic of a real, as opposed to a conceptual, piece of equipment or frame of reference)
Physical or
: 8 phrases in 4 subjects
European Union1
Health care1