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PBR abbr.
abbr. Physically Based Rendering (Technical)
abbr., avia. Pop blind rivet
abbr., corp.gov. periodic budgetary report
abbr., el. partition boot record; peak-to-background ratio; poly buffer recessed; program base register; push-button signal receiver
abbr., life.sc. photobioreactor (MichaelBurov); photo-bioreactor (MichaelBurov); photo bio-reactor (MichaelBurov)
abbr., mil., avia. pencil beam radar
abbr., neurol. posterior basic rhythm (Ying)
abbr., nucl.pow. fast power breeder reactor (MichaelBurov); power breeder reactor (MichaelBurov); power breeder nuclear reactor (MichaelBurov)
abbr., shipb. river patrol boat
abbr., telecom. Private Business Radio
PBRS abbr.
abbr., earth.sc. Remote Sensing Program Board (Netherlands)
abbr., el. planar buried ridge structure; push button rotary switch
abbr., med. Pediatric Behavior Rating Scale
abbr., oil parameter-based restricted-step method
PBRs abbr.
abbr., oil performance-based rates
PBR abbr.
abbr. Professional Bull Rider; Punk Bitch Rider; River/Roadstead Patrol Boat (Navy); pyridine-butadiene rubber
abbr., bot., scient. Poison Black Rose
abbr., comp., net., IT Policy-Based Routing
abbr., dril. Polish bore receptacle (MichaelBurov)
abbr., earth.sc. payment by result
abbr., energ.syst. performance-based regulation (MichaelBurov)
abbr., fin. price-book value ratio; price-to-book ratio
abbr., food.ind. Pabst Blue Ribbon; Plant Breeder's Rights
abbr., mil. Patrol Boat Rescue
abbr., nucl.pow. pebble-bed reactor (MichaelBurov)
abbr., O&G, sakh. polished bore receptable
abbr., oil packer bore receptacle; polished bore receptacle; packer-bore-receptacle; payment by results; performance-based rates; Piedmont/Blue Ridge; polybutadiene rubber; primary-to-bubble ratio; propylene butadiene rubber
abbr., phys., scient. Pinned Beam Roll
abbr., physiol., med. Pathology Bearing Regions
abbr., polym. pyridine butadiene rubber
abbr., railw. Patapsco and Back Rivers Railroad
abbr., scottish Patrol Boat, River (USA)
abbr., space propylene-butadiene rubber
abbr., sport. Pace Balanced Rating; Pro Bike Rider; Pro Bull Riding; Professional Bull Riding
abbr., st.exch. Performance Based Ratemaking; Petroleo Brasileiro; Price Book Ratio; Price Book-value Ratio
abbr., tradem. Portland's Best Refreshment
energ.ind. post burnout regime; power breeding reactor
mil. patrol boat, river; pencil beam radar; point blank range; precision bombing range
oil, abbr. primary-bubble ratio
tech. pebble bed reactor; power breeder reactor; pressurized ballistic range
Pbr. abbr.
lat. Presbyter ("priest")
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