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abbreviation | noun
NAS abbr.
comp., MS server di accesso alla rete (The device that accepts Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) connections and places clients on the network that the NAS serves)
 English thesaurus
NAS abbr.
abbr., chem. sodium aluminium silicate
abbr., comp., net. network application software
abbr., earth.sc. national academy of sciences (N.Z.); Nebraska Academy of Sciences; neutron activation and spark-source mass spectrometry; noise-free advective scheme; numerical aerodynamic simulation program
abbr., multimed. network-attached storage
abbr., oil non-anionic surfactant; North American shales
abbr., space national aerospace system; navigation and avoidance system; nozzle actuation system
NAS abbr.
abbr. National Aerospace Standard; National Aerospace Standards; National Audubon Society; North American Specification; Numerical Aerospace Simulation; National Advanced Systems; National Airspace; National Association of Sanitarians; National Association of Schoolmasters; NATO alert system; Naval Air Service; Needle Arts Studio; Netware Access Services (Novell, Netware); Network Access System; Network Administrator Specialist; Network Application Services (DEC); Never Any Service; Nikon Advanced Systems; No Active Support; Noise Abatement Society; Non Action System; Non-Agreement State; Non-indigenous Aquatic Species; North American Series; North Atlantic Study; Not A Stock; Not Absolutely Sure; Not Another School; Numerical Aerodynamic Simulator; new active substance (coltuclu)
abbr., auto. non-asbestos synthetic
abbr., avia. National Airport System; national aeronautical aircraft standards; navy and army standard
abbr., BrE Nursing Auxiliary Service
abbr., clin.trial. normative aging study (kat_j)
abbr., comp., net. NetWare Access Server; Network Administration System; Network Application Support; node address switch
abbr., comp., net., IT Network Access Services; Network Attached Storage; Network Audio Server; Network Audio System
abbr., data.prot. network access server (Alex_Odeychuk)
abbr., el. new attack submarine; narrow angle sensor; narrow-band access server; Netscape application server; network access storage; network application service; network authentication service; non-arithmetic shift; nonlinear antenna system
abbr., food.ind. No Added Sugar
abbr., IT Network - Attached Storage; Network Access Server; Network attached storage; network attached storage
abbr., lab.eq. Nucleus Accumbens Septum
abbr., meteorol. National Academy Of Sciences; National Association Of Sanitarians; National Autistic Society; Neonatal Airleak Syndrome; Neuroallergic Syndrome; Nordisk Audiologisk Selskab. Nordic Audiological Society; National Academy of Sciences; no added salt
abbr., mil. National Airspace System; Naval Air Squadron; Naval Air Station; naval air station
abbr., mil., avia. National Research Council - National Academy of Sciences
abbr., mil., WMD Network Analysis System
abbr., nano numerical aeronautical simulation
abbr., opt. National Academy of Science
abbr., physiol. Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome; Normative Aging Study
abbr., progr. network attached storage (ssn)
abbr., qual.cont. National Aircraft Standard
abbr., scottish Newport Aeronautical Sales (USA); Numerical Aerodynamic Simulation
abbr., securit. National Association of Stockbrokers
abbr., tech. National airspace system; national airspace system
abbr., telecom. non-access stratum (Ronny); network access server (ssn)
abbr., UN Newly Associated States
abbr., USA National Academy of Sciences (MichaelBurov)
airports, avia. Nassau, Bahamas
mil. narrow-angle sensor; naval armament supplies
tech. nonreactor assessment staff
nas abbr.
abbr. nasal