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noun | verb | abbreviation | noun | to phrases
nap [næp] n
industr., construct. bottone m
naping v
fish.farm. decollaggio
NAP [næp] abbr.
comp., MS Protezione accesso alla rete (A set of operating system components that can help protect access to a private network by enforcing health policies. System administrators establish health policies which NAP enforces by inspecting and assessing the health of client computers, restricting network access when client computers are deemed noncompliant, and remediating noncompliant client computers for full network access. NAP also provides ongoing health compliance enforcement while a client computer is connected to a network)
 English thesaurus
NAP [næp] abbr.
abbr. not at present
abbr., avia. normal administrative practice; north apron; navigation analysis program; new airplane program; nonagency purchase; nuclear auxiliary power
abbr., el. Internet access point; network access protocol; network analysis program; network application platform; network automatic plotting; noise analysis program; network applications platform
abbr., IT network access provider
abbr., med. nerve action potential (Natalya Rovina); angle of convexity, cephalometric measurement formed by connecting the nasion, point A and pogonion; neutrophil alkaline phosphatase; Nomina Anatomica Parisiensia; nucleic acid phosphorus
abbr., mil., air.def. neo-significant address part
abbr., mil., avia. national airport plan; naval aviation pilot, glider
abbr., nautic. Naples Italy; Napoli Italy
abbr., pharm. Nationally Authorised Product (iwona)
abbr., telecom. network access point (ssn)
energ.ind., abbr. nuclear accident phase; nuclear-active particle
mil., abbr. naval aviation pilot, glider; naval aviation plan; nonaggression pact; nonnuclear armament plan
tech., abbr. navigational analysis program
nap [næp] n
O&G naphtha
Nap. abbr.
abbr., chem. naphthalene
NAP [næp] abbr.
abbr. National Advantage Plan; Non Aggression Pact; Non Animal Polysorbate (fruit_jellies); not applicable (Please put NAP (Not Applicable) or NA (Not Available). All spaces must be filled with information or NAP/NA. Alex Krayevsky); No Advertising, Please
abbr., comp., net. network access processor
abbr., comp., net., IT Network Access Points
abbr., ecol. National Allocation Plan (bigbeat)
abbr., ed. New Artist Program
abbr., file.ext. Vector graphics (Naplps format, VideoShow - EnerGraphics)
abbr., IT Network Access Point
abbr., med. National Association Of Phlebotomists; Nerve Action Potential
abbr., media. National Academies Press
abbr., mil. Norwegian Army Protocol; Not Authorized Prepositioning; Non Attacking Pact (chewie_dude)
abbr., physiol. neutrophil-activating protein (Игорь_2006)
abbr., physiol., med. No Appointments Please
abbr., progr., IT Network Application Program
abbr., railw. Narragansett Pier Railroad Company
abbr., sec.sys., IT Network Access Protection
abbr., sport. North American Pairs
abbr., st.exch. National Processing, Inc.
abbr., tech. non arbour pollen
abbr., tradem. Namie Amuro's Paradise
airports, avia. Naples, Italy
tech. network access process
nap [næp] abbr.
abbr. napoleon
nap. abbr.
abbr. napalm
NAP [næp] abbr.
abbr., avia. naval air priorities; normal acceleration point
abbr., comp., net. network anonymous privacy; national access point
abbr., cosmet. neurotoxin-associated protein (complexing protein ННатальЯ)
abbr., earth.sc. National Association of Publishers; North America Philips Corp.; normal annual precipitation; nuclear analysis program (me)
abbr., IT National Attachment Point; network access pricing
abbr., life.sc. nonarboral pollen
abbr., oil nodal analysis program; noise abatement procedure; nonarborescent pollen; Northern Appalachian
abbr., polit. Non-agression Principle (wikipedia.org anton2020)
abbr., space nitramine propellant; noise-abatement procedure; nonappropriated purchase
abbr., UN National Adaptation Plans (Alexander Oshis)
abbr., UN, ecol. national action programme
: 14 phrases in 6 subjects
Natural resourses and wildlife conservation6
Natural sciences1
Textile industry1