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commun. mescolazione
el. miscelamento
industr. construct. met. miscela vetrificabile; miscela
transp. construct. dosaggio
agric. misto; polifita
environ. imballaggi in più materiali
construct. mescolatura
el. miscelamento
| Committee
gen. Commissioni
| on
earth.sc. el. acceso
| the
fin. agenzia gestita da terzi
| Agreement
econ. accordo
| concluded
gen. concludere
| by
gen. da
| the
fin. agenzia gestita da terzi
| Council
law gen. consiglio d'amministrazione
| Iceland
econ. Islanda
| and
gen. e
| Norway
geogr. Regno di Norvegia
| concerning
law econ. gruppo
| the
fin. agenzia gestita da terzi
- only individual words found

verb | adjective | to phrases
mix [mɪks] v
gen. impastare; miscelare; mescolanza; mescolare
commun. mescolazione
el. miscelamento
industr., construct., met. miscela vetrificabile; miscela
transp., construct. dosaggio
mixing ['mɪksɪŋ] v
agric. impastamento; miscela
construct. mescolatura; miscelazione
el. miscelamento
transp., construct. mescolamento
mixing The intermingling of different materials to produce a homogeneous mixture ['mɪksɪŋ] v
environ. miscelazione
to mix [mɪks] v
mech.eng. mescolare
mixed [mɪkst] adj.
agric. misto; polifita
environ. imballaggi in più materiali
 English thesaurus
MIX [mɪks] abbr.
abbr., avia. Miriti, Colombia
abbr., el. mixer; mobile Internet exchange; modular interface extension
abbr., file.ext. Member Information Exchange; Object file (Power C)
abbr., IT Object file; Modular Interface extension; Multiservice Interchange
abbr., mil., avia. manned interceptor experimental
abbr., st.exch. Merrill Lynch & Company, Inc.
mil. master index
tech. mixing
TV mixer
mix [mɪks] abbr.
abbr. m
agric. mixed
mil. mixture
mil., abbr. mx
mix. abbr.
abbr., dril. mixed; mixing
abbr., radio frequency mixer
abbr., tech. mixture
.MIX abbr.
abbr., file.ext. Microsoft Picture It! (format)
mixed [mɪkst] abbr.
abbr. m
abbr., agric. mix
abbr., polym. mxd
mil., logist. In artillery and naval fire support or observation indicating that the rounds fired resulted in an equal number of air and impact bursts. (FRA)
Mixed Committee on the Agreement concluded by the Council , Iceland and Norway concerning the latter: 1 phrase in 1 subject