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MTE abbr.
comp., MS busta del trasferimento del messaggio (A MAPI message that holds the delivery information for a message)
Mte abbr.
gen. megatonnaggio equivalente; megatone equivalente
 English thesaurus
MTE abbr.
abbr. mail transport equipment; Mercado de Trabalho em Engenharia; Measuring and Test Equipment (контрольно-измерительная аппаратура Boris54); MuTating Engine (Viren); mean time between errors
abbr., avia. Monte Alegre, PA, Brazil; mesosphere thermosphere explorer; modern technology engine; maintenance test equipment; manufacturing test equipment; multiple tracked equipment
abbr., chat. My thoughts exactly (Именно то, что я и думал; точно мои мысли Mirabella76)
abbr., chem. methyl tolyl ether
abbr., commer. maximum tariff equivalent
abbr., commun. mobile telecommunication equipment
abbr., cryptogr. MAC then encrypt
abbr., dat.proc. mean trueness error (igisheva)
abbr., earth.sc. mobile telemetering station
abbr., ed., scient. Metallurgical and Materials Engineering
abbr., el. manual telephone exchange; manual test equipment; mastergroup translating equipment; matrix transformation error; message transfer event; multiple terminal emulator; multiterminal test equipment; multi-threshold element
abbr., mil., avia. magnetic tape encoder
abbr., oil mud testing equipment (Johnny Bravo); megaton equivalent; methytolyl ether
abbr., opt. modulated transmission ellipsometry
abbr., post Mail Transport Equipment
abbr., progr., IT Mathematical Typewriter Emulation; Mobius Transport Engine
abbr., scottish Megaton-Equivalent; Mobile Target Emulator; Modular Threat Emitter; Moving Target Exploitation
abbr., space mesosphere-thermosphere explorer; missile targeting equipment; missile test equipment
abbr., st.exch. Mahanagar Telephone Nigam, Ltd.
abbr., tech. magnetic tape equipment
abbr., tradem. Magna- Tech Electronic Company, Inc.
mil. maintenance training equipment; maximum tracking error; microwave test equipment; mobile telephone exchange; multiple-track error; multipurpose test equipment; multisystem test equipment
tech. maintenance electrical; multichannel test equipment
Mte abbr.
abbr., earth.sc. magnetite
MtE abbr.
comp. Mutation Engine (Polymorphic Generator Vosoni)