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LV abbr.
abbr. Land Value; Larger View; Las Vegas; Las Vegas Field Office; Latvian; Launch Vehicle; Launch Version; Lehigh Valley; Lettish; Likely Voters; Long Vertical; Louis Vuitton; Consolidated Rail Corporation; Large Violin; Latching Valve; Left Value; licensed victualler; Load Vector; Long Vector; Low Void; Lunette Verte; limiting value; Liverpool
abbr., auto. levelling; load variable
abbr., avia. light and variable (Yakov); laser videodisc; level; low voice; lutetium
abbr., avia., med. lateroversion
abbr., busin. largest vessel; leisure vehicle; low viscosity
abbr., chem., scient. Low Volatile; Low Volatility
abbr., comp., net. logical volume
abbr., earth.sc. laser velocimetry; left valve
abbr., el. low viscosity; language variable; laser vision system; lattice vibration; ledger vouchering; light value; light valve; limiting value; low vacuum
abbr., el., scient. Latent variable; Low Voltage
abbr., el.mach. low tension
abbr., fant./sci-fi. Lord Vader
abbr., file.ext. Logical Volume (IBM)
abbr., inet. Little Voice
abbr., insur. Light vessel
abbr., IT LaserVideo; LaserVision; low volume
abbr., karate. launch vehicle (MichaelBurov)
abbr., med. Latent Virus; Lentivirus; Leukemia Virus; Leukosis Virus; Live Virus; Lung Volume; Lyssavirus; left ventricle; lentiviral vector; drug-related; lumbar vertebra; lateral vector (ННатальЯ)
abbr., mil. launch vehicle
abbr., monk. Large Variety; Low Value
abbr., O&G, sahk.r. level control valve
abbr., oil laser velometer; legal volt; limit value; liquid volume; liquid/vapour; local vanning
abbr., physiol., med. Left Ventricle; Left Ventricular; Low Vision; Low Volume
abbr., pipes. leak valve (igisheva)
abbr., polit. Latvia
abbr., polym. low-viscosity
abbr., scottish Civil aircraft marking (Argentina); Laser Vision; Luftverteidigung (Air Defence (Germany))
abbr., shoot. light varmint (лёгкий варминт; в бенчресте - класс оружия до 6 кг 4uzhoj)
abbr., soil. luvisol
abbr., space loading valve
abbr., stat. landings value
abbr., tech. low volume
abbr., transp. Large Vehicle
mil. landing vehicle; landing vessel; low velocity
tech. laser velocimeter; leaky valve; linear velocity
LV% abbr.
abbr., polym. liquid volume %
tech. liquid volume percentage
Lv abbr.
abbr. lava; latent heat of vaporization; element 116 (MichaelBurov); livermorium (MichaelBurov)
abbr., earth.sc. lev
abbr., med. brightness
lat. Leviticus
lv abbr.
abbr. land valuation; leave; low voltage; luncheon voucher
med. left ventricle
: 3 phrases in 2 subjects
Energy industry1