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In the matter
 in the matter
law nell'affare
| of
gen. di
| intelligence
construct. informazione riservata
construct. engl. intelligence
IT intelligenza
| data
astr. dati
comp., MS dati; dati
math. dato
| of
gen. di
| any
gen. nessuno
| kind
gen. genere
| processed
gen. lavorazione
so as | to
gen. a
| be
gen. costituire
intelligible | to
gen. a
| man
demogr. sesso maschile
| and
gen. e
| that
gen. che
| can
gen. barattolo
| be
gen. costituire
used to | produce
gen. prodotti
| intelligence
med. intelletto
| More
gen. di più
| generally
gen. generalmente
| speaking
gen. pronuncia
| known
gen. conosciuto
| item
comp., MS articolo
| meaning
work.fl. senso
| derived
scient. derivare
| from
transp. a partire da
| a
gen. a
| fact
comp., MS fatto
or a | data
comp., MS dati
| and
gen. e
| intended
gen. intendere
to be released
- only individual words found (there may be no translations for some thesaurus entries in the bilingual dictionary)

to phrases
in the matter
law nell'affare m
In the matter of
: 87 phrases in 14 subjects
Criminal law12
Health care2
Mineral products1
Natural sciences1
Obsolete / dated2
Procedural law9
Social science1