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In operations
 in operation
met. in servizio
| security
econ. valore mobiliare
market. fin. valori in portafoglio
bank. copertura
comp., MS protezione; sicurezza
fin. garanzia; pegno; valore mobiliare; garanzie
| usage, data
 usage data
comp., MS dati di utilizzo
| derived
scient. derivare
| from
transp. a partire da
| friendly
comp., MS semplice da usare
| detectable
comp., MS rilevabile
| actions
comp., MS Azioni
| and
gen. e
open-source information | that
gen. che
| an
gen. uno
| adversary
comp., MS avversario
| can
gen. barattolo
| interpret
econ. interpretazione
| and
gen. e
| piece
gen. pezzo
| together
gen. Insieme
| to
gen. a
| reach
gen. capacità
| conclusions
polit. conclusione
| or
gen. o
| estimates
econ. stato di previsione delle entrate e delle spese
| of
gen. di
| friendly
comp., MS semplice da usare
| intentions
med. intenzione
| capabilities
gen. risorse umane e strumentali
| or
gen. o
| activities
textile potenza
- only individual words found (there may be no translations for some thesaurus entries in the bilingual dictionary)

to phrases
in operation
met. in servizio
In operations security usage, data derived from friendly detectable actions and open-source information that an adversary can interpret and piece together to reach conclusions or estimates of friendly intentions, capabilities, or activities
: 9 phrases in 3 subjects