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IFR | Training Unit
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 English thesaurus
IFR [,aɪefˈa:] abbr.
abbr. I Follow Roads; Instrument Flight Rules; Interleaved Frame Recording (Video); International Finance Review
abbr., anim.husb. Institute of Fisheries Research
abbr., auto. in-frame response; inlet valve front right
abbr., avia. instrument flight rules (MichaelBurov); initial flight release; international flight research corp.
abbr., el. image-to-frame ratio; immediate free recall; instantaneous frequency receiver; International Federation of Radiotelegraphists; international Federation of Robots; interrupt flag register; isofocal region
abbr., fin. International Financing Review (ведущий инвестиционно-банковский журнал City Monk)
abbr., Makarov. integral fast reactor
abbr., med. Institut Fédératif De Recherche. Research's Federative Institut; instrument flight rules
abbr., med., epid. infection fatality rate (fluggegecheimen)
abbr., meteorol. imaging fundus reflectometer
abbr., mil., air.def. induced field ratio; instrument flight rule
abbr., mil., avia. I follow railroad
abbr., O&G, sakh. issued for review
abbr., physiol. Inspiratory Flow Rate
abbr., plast. intumescent flam retardent
abbr., qual.cont. increasing failure rate
abbr., robot. International Federation of Robotics (MichaelBurov)
abbr., scottish Intermediate Frequency Range
mil. individual flight record
mil., abbr. in-flight refueling; infrared; infrared filter radiometer; initial training requirements; intelligence file report; international fighter radar
physiol. Inspiratory flow rate
tech., abbr. interference frequency range; internal function register
IFRS abbr.
abbr. I F R Systems, Inc.
abbr., audit. international financial reporting standards
abbr., el. interface roughness scattering
abbr., UN, insur. International Financial Reporting Standards
ifr. n
qual.cont. increasing failure rate
ifr [,aɪefˈa:] abbr.
abbr. inflight refuelling
IFR [,aɪefˈa:] abbr.
abbr., avia. in-flight repair; instrument flight recovery
abbr., earth.sc. Iceland-Faeroe Ridge
abbr., econ. internal financial rate of return
abbr., fin. implied forward rate
abbr., germ., space Internationaler Föderkreis für Raumfahrt
abbr., oil in-field referencing
abbr., oil.proc. Internal Floating Roof (Izuminka2008)
IFR Training Unit
: 10 phrases in 4 subjects
Life sciences1