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med. generico
appellation | of
gen. di
| the
fin. agenzia gestita da terzi
| organic
gen. organico
and/or | operational
gen. funzionante
| component
gen. componente
of a | basic unit
 basic unit
mater.sc. mech.eng. confezione unitaria
| a
gen. a
company team or a | specialised
gen. specializzarsi
support detachment | which
gen. quale
| only
gen. unicamente
| comprises
gen. comprendere
| personnel
fin. personale
belonging to | a
gen. a
| single
gen. individuale
| branch
fin. succursale
or a | single
gen. individuale
| operational function
 operational function
IT funzione operativa
| and
gen. e
| who
gen. quale
| most
gen. maggior parte di
| of
gen. di
| the
fin. agenzia gestita da terzi
| time
phys. durata
| implement
nat.sc. earth.sc. mech.eng. arnese
the same | weapon system
 weapon system
gen. sistema d'arma
| It
gen. la
| corresponds
med. corrispondere
to a | section
gen. sezione
| a
gen. a
| platoon
transp. convoglio di veicoli
| or
gen. o
| an
gen. uno
Army Aviation patrol depending on | the
fin. agenzia gestita da terzi
| branch
fin. succursale
| they
gen. loro
belong to | Subdivision
fin. suddivisione
| within
gen. nell'ambito
| a
gen. a
| Staff
met. portalingotto
| The
fin. agenzia gestita da terzi
| cell
chem. cella elettrochimica
| itself
gen. se stesso
| can
gen. barattolo
| be
gen. costituire
| subdivided
med. sottodiviso
| into
gen. nella
| several
gen. alcuni
| teams
comp., MS team
2 | Organic
gen. organico
| elements
construct. modulo
of a | commanding
gen. comandare
| post
med. ritti
| replacing
comp., MS sostituire
| the
fin. agenzia gestita da terzi
| traditional
gen. tradizionale
| subdivisions
fin. suddivisione
| they
gen. loro
| are
math. efficienza relativa asintotica
| specialized
gen. specialistico
| in
gen. dentro
| the
fin. agenzia gestita da terzi
| processing of information
 processing of information
IT dat.proc. elaborazione dell'informazione
| pertaining to
 pertaining to
law relativo a
| the
fin. agenzia gestita da terzi
| major
gen. maggiore
| components
gen. componente
| of
gen. di
| maneuver
transp. evoluzione
| If
gen. se
| needed
gen. bisogno
| the
fin. agenzia gestita da terzi
| cells
chem. cella elettrochimica
| themselves
gen. si
| can
gen. barattolo
| be divided
 be divided
med. div.
| into
gen. nella
| teams
comp., MS team
- only individual words found (there may be no translations for some thesaurus entries in the bilingual dictionary)

adjective | noun | to phrases
generic [ʤɪ'nerɪk] adj.
med. generico
pharma. medicinale generico; farmaco generico
 English thesaurus
generic [ʤɪ'nerɪk] n
pharm. generic drug (4uzhoj)
generic [ʤɪ'nerɪk] abbr.
abbr. gen
Generic [ʤɪ'nerɪk] adj.
physiol., abbr. G
Generic appellation of the organic and/or operational component of a basic unit, a company team or a specialised support detachment which only comprises personnel belonging to a single branch or a single operational function, and who most of the time implement the same weapon system. It corresponds to a section, a platoon or an Army Aviation patrol, depending on the branch they belong to. Subdivision within a Staff. The cell itself can be subdivided into several teams. 2. Organic elements of a commanding post, replacing the traditional subdivisions, they are specialized in the processing of information pertaining to the major components of maneuver . If needed, the cells themselves can be divided into teams
: 112 phrases in 21 subjects
Energy industry1
Information technology31
Life sciences1
Materials science2
Natural sciences1
Pharmacy and pharmacology14
Power lines2
Work flow7