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noun | verb | abbreviation | to phrases
ear [ɪə] n
gen. orecchia f
agric. spiga f; tutolo m; pannocchia f
med. orecchio m (auris)
met. bocca di aspirazione d'un ventilatore (of a ventilator)
textile striscetta m
ear [ɪə] v
agric. torsola
 English thesaurus
EAR [ɪə] abbr.
abbr. Earnings After Retirement; Emerging Artist Representative; Equivalent Annual Rate; Export Administration Regulations; Electrical Appliance Register (kanareika); Employee Appraisal Record; European Association of Radiology
abbr., account. effective annual rate (of interest)
abbr., avia. Kearney, Nebraska USA; engineering assistance request
abbr., el. electromagnetic activity receive; electron affinity rule; electronic agility radar; electronic analog resolver; electronic array radar; electronic aural responder; extended address register; equipment acceptance requirements and inspections; estimated additional reserves
abbr., file.ext. External Access Register
abbr., fin. earnings-at-risk (MyxuH); enlarged access resources; enlarged access to the Fund's resources
abbr., insur. erection all risks (все монтажные риски alex)
abbr., IT Exclusive Allow Read; Early Access Release
abbr., law Export Administration Regulations (Jenny1801)
abbr., meteorol. European Association Of Radiology; electroencephalographic audiometry
abbr., mil. Echelon Audio Receiver
abbr., mil., air.def. ELINT analysis report
abbr., mil., avia. effective air path
abbr., O&G Annual Environmental Report (Yeldar Azanbayev); Environmental Annual Report (Yeldar Azanbayev); external air resuscitation
abbr., oil estimated additional resources
abbr., org.name. European Agency for Reconstruction
abbr., physiol., med. Emergency Artificial Respiration; Expired Air Resuscitation
abbr., scottish Electronically Agile Radar
abbr., st.exch. Hearx, LTD.
Apollo-Soyuz equipment acceptance review
energ.ind. excess air ratio
mil. end of air refueling; engineering abstract report; engineering analysis report; escape and rescue
tech. electromagnetic activity receiver; electronic audio recognition; event analysis report; experimental array radar
EaR [ɪə] abbr.
abbr., med. Entartungsreaction
EAR [ɪə] abbr.
abbr., avia. engineering action request; expanded area ratio
abbr., busin. early; engineering all risks; engineering analysis; erection all risk
abbr., comp. effective address register
abbr., earth.sc. European Association of Radiation
abbr., fr., space Espace aérien réglementé
abbr., med. early asthmatic response (ННатальЯ)
abbr., oil energy absorbing resin; erection all risks insurance; expanded blade-area ratio
abbr., progr. Enterprise ARchive (Java alexghost)
abbr., space espace aerien reglemente
abbr., sport. estimated average requirements
: 355 phrases in 28 subjects
Data processing2
Earth sciences3
Health care41
Labor law8
Life sciences6
Materials science1
Municipal planning3
Natural resourses and wildlife conservation26
Natural sciences8
Physical sciences2
Textile industry1
Trade unions1