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DEG abbr.
abbr. Degrees
abbr., avia. degrade
abbr., chem., scient. Diethylene Glycol
abbr., el. delay error generator; diethylgallium
abbr., el., scient. Dimensional Electron Gas
abbr., mil. Destroyer Escort, Guided-missile
abbr., O&G di ethylen glycol (MichaelBurov); di ethylene glycol (MichaelBurov); di-ethylen-glycol (MichaelBurov); di-ethylene glycol (MichaelBurov); diethylene glycol (MichaelBurov); diethylenglycol (MichaelBurov); diglycol (MichaelBurov); oxydiethanol (MichaelBurov)
abbr., physiol., med. Degeneration
abbr., tradem. Diamond Eyes Graphics
tech. degenerated electron gas; double-ended guillotine
deg. abbr.
abbr. degeneration
polym. degree
deg abbr.
abbr. degree
opt. degrees
DEGS abbr.
abbr., oil diethylene glycol succinate
DEG abbr.
abbr. Development and Engineering Group; guided missile destroyer escort
abbr., avia. dressed engine gearbox
abbr., busin. degree of arc; delegation
abbr., comp.name. Dresser Equipment Group, Inc.
abbr., earth.sc. developments in economic geology; directorate of environmental geology (GSI)