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ASV [,eɪes'vi:] abbr.
gen. ASV
cultur. Associazione svizzera dei gruppi di danze popolari
 English thesaurus
ASV [,eɪes'vi:] abbr.
abbr. A G Services America, Inc.; Advanced Safety Vehicle; Advanced Super-View (LCD, Sharp); All Season Vehicle; American Society for Virology; American Standard Version; angle stop valve; acceleration-switching valve; air to surface vessel radar; aircraft to surface vessel radar; anti-surface vessel radar
abbr., astronaut. Astrium Services (semfromshire)
abbr., auto. active safety vehicle; air suction valve; air switching valve
abbr., avia. aerothermodynamic structural vehicles; air-to-surface-vessel; air-to-surface vessel (radar)
abbr., biol. avian sarcoma virus
abbr., busin. award site visit (Ася Кудрявцева); auxiliary survey vessel
abbr., comp. Advanced Super View (технология матрицы для мониторов фирмы Sharp, аналог матриц MVA/PVA ВВладимир)
abbr., earth.sc. air saturation value; automatic self verification
abbr., el. automatic speech verification
abbr., energ.ind. admission stop valve (emeraudx)
abbr., gas.proc. Anti-surge valve (Противопомпажный клапан andreche)
abbr., HF.electr. advanced safety vehicle system
abbr., IT arithmetic simple variable
abbr., med. American Society For Virology; Anodic Stripping Voltammetry; Antisiphon Valve; Anti-snake Venom; Autologous Saphenous Vein; Avian Sarcoma Virus; Association of Shelter Veterinarians; antisnake venom
abbr., med.appl. adaptive support ventilation (harser)
abbr., O&G annular safety valve (Alexander Demidov)
abbr., O&G, sakh. Accommodation Support Vessel
abbr., oil acceleration switching valve; air solenoid valve; annulus safety valve; automatic shuttle valve
abbr., pharm. asunaprevir (MichaelBurov)
abbr., polym. automatic self-verification
abbr., scottish Ammunition Supply Vehicle; Anti-Ship Variant radar; Anti-Surface Vessel; Armored Security Vehicle (USA)
abbr., space and maritime radar; and navigation radar; aerothermodynamic structural vehicle; airborne radar for detecting surface vessels; Astronomical Society of Victoria
mil. active service; adaptive suspension vehicle; aerospace vehicle; armored support vehicle; attack of surface vessels
tech. air-to-surface vessel radar; airborne surface vessel detection radar; anode supply voltage