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AOC abbr.
meas.inst. regolazione automatica del sovraccarico del radiofaro a risposta; regolazione automatica di sovraccarico
 English thesaurus
AOC abbr.
abbr. Air Operator's Certificate (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Air_Operator's_Certificate Sukhopleschenko); Adidas Outdoor Championships; Administrative Office of the Courts; ADSL overhead control channel; Afghanistan Over Clocking; Age Of Consent; Air Officer Commanding (U.K.); Aircraft Operations Center; Allied Operations Center; American Oceans Campaign; American Orthodox Church; AON Corporation; Approved Operational Concept; Approximate Original Contour; Architect Of The Capitol; Articles Of Confederation; Air Operation Center; Airport Operation Center; American Oil Co.; Attock Oil Co.
abbr., agric. any other color
abbr., airccon. Application Operational Control Board AOC (GeOdzzzz)
abbr., auto. abnormal operating conditions; automative occupancy sensing
abbr., avia. A.O.C. (MichaelBurov); airline AOC (MichaelBurov); airline operators committee (MichaelBurov); approach on course (MichaelBurov); H.O.A. (MichaelBurov); head-on approach (MichaelBurov); aerodrome obstruction chart; Approach On Course (Interex); assumption of control message; aeronautical operational control; Air Operations Centre; Air Operator Certificate; Airline Operational Communication (Skiripich); aircraft operational control; airline operational control; airport obstruction chart; airport operational communications; aviation operator certificate; aeronautical operational communication; air/oil cooler; air/oil cooling; aircraft operating cost; aircraft operating control; aircraft out of commission; airport operations center; airport operations council; airport operators council; all operations circular; all-optical communication; anticipated operation conditions; autopilot omni-coupler
abbr., BrE air officer commanding; airhead ordnance company; Army Ordnance Corps
abbr., cards ace of clubs (туз треф; трефовый туз Alexey Lebedev)
abbr., comp., net. automated operations control
abbr., earth.sc. Arabian Oil Co., Ltd.; associated oil company; atmosphere-ocean-cryosphere system; Attock Oil Company
abbr., el. active optical component; advice of charge; all-optical communications; all-organic complexes; analog output chip; augmented operation code; automatic on-chuck; automatic operation control
abbr., gas.proc. Achievement Of Commissioning (Выполнение пусконаладочных работ (ПНР) andreche)
abbr., lat. anno orbis conditi (алешаBG)
abbr., Makarov. automatic overload circuit
abbr., med. Abridged Ocular Chart; Allyloxycarbonyl; Amyloxycarbonyl; Anodal Opening Contraction; Area Of Concern; American Optical Corporation
abbr., mil. Association of Old Crows Electronic Warfare (View the AOC logo); Air Operations Center; air operations center
abbr., mil., air.def. air and space operation center; Association of Old Crow
abbr., NATO area of cooperation (Yeldar Azanbayev)
abbr., O&G Arabian Oil Company (АОК - японская компания, ведущая добычу нефти в саудовско-кувейтской нейтральной зоне kotechek)
abbr., O&G, sahk.r. accidentally oil contaminated
abbr., O&G, sakh. accidentally oil contaminated sewer system; Accidentally oil contaminated system; Asset Operation Centre
abbr., oil activated oxygen count (rate)
abbr., scottish Adaptive Optical Camouflage; Assumption Of Control (message); Australian Ordance Council
abbr., space advanced operational capability; Aerospace Operations Center; aerospace operations course; air and space operations center; attitude and orbit control; autonomous operating capability
abbr., tech. air oil cooler
ecol. assimilable organic carbon
energ.ind. areas of concern; axial offset control
meteorol. airdrome obstruction charts
mil. advanced optical countermeasures; agreed operational characteristics; area of concentration; Army operations center; automatic output control; average operating cost; aviation officer candidate; award of contract
tech. air-cooled overhead condenser; augmented operator capability; automatic overload control
: 4 phrases in 2 subjects