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sXe abbr.
abbr., mus. Straight edge (идеология, стилистически оформленная в 1981 году лидером американской хардкор-панк группы Minor Threat Яном Маккеем. / a movement spawned within the hardcore scene in the '80s. Its followers have made a commitment to abstain from using drugs, alcohol and tobacco products. Followers of the straight edge movement often wear an "X" on the back of either hand. / течение, предполагающее отказ от употребления алкоголя, табака, наркотиков и беспорядочных половых связей и популярное среди националистов Artjaazz)
modern Straightedge. It has the same basic principle - No drink, No drugs, No sex - for all followers, but each person makes it their own. Straightedge has NOTHING to do with violence in fact, most straightedgers discourage it or religion that's a personal belief. (Some examples: some sXe people choose to be vegans or vegetarians, abstain from caffeine, save sex for marriage (as opposed to a serious, committed relationship). Franka_LV)
SXE abbr.
abbr. Straight Edge; soft X-ray emission
abbr., avia. Sale, Victoria, Australia
abbr., progr., IT STAF Execution Engine