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machines for processing metal, wood and plastics
 machines for processing metal, wood and plastic
patents. maskiner til metal-, træ-, plasticforarbejdning
| machines
gen. maskiner
chem. maskinbehandeling
commun. trykning
industr. construct. bearbejdning
for the | chemical industry
 chemical industry
econ. kemisk industri
| agriculture
agric. jordbrug; landbrug
| mining
life.sc. bjergværksdrift
| textile machines
 textile machine
econ. tekstilmaskine
| machines
met. spåntagende bearbejdning
for the | beverages
patents. drikke
| industry
comp., MS Branche
| construction machines
 construction machines
patents. entreprenørmaskiner
| packing machines
 packing machine
mater.sc. pakkemaskine
| and
comp., MS OG
| machine tools
 machine tool
econ. værktøjsmaskine

to phrases
machines for processing metal, wood and plastic
patents. maskiner til metal-, træ-, plasticforarbejdning
machines for processing metal, wood and plastics, machines for the chemical industry, agriculture, mining, textile machines, machines for the beverages industry, construction machines, packing machines and machine tools
: 2 phrases in 1 subject