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 English thesaurus
cif. abbr.
abbr., econ. cost^ insurance & freight; cost, insurance, freight
cif abbr.
abbr. cost, insurance and freight
CIF abbr.
abbr. cloning inhibitory factor; Cost Insurance And Freight; Customer Information File; Caltech Intermediate Format; cells in flight
abbr., agric. CIF
abbr., automat. computer integrated factory
abbr., bank. Customer Identification File (Traviata)
abbr., busin. Common Investment Fund (gconnell)
abbr., construct. Construction Industry Federation (Энигма)
abbr., econ. cost insurance & freight; cleared cost^ insurance^ freight cleared; ex ship's hold cost^ insurance^ freight ex ship's hold; cost, insurance, and freight
abbr., ed., scient. California Interscholastic Federation
abbr., el. CALS Industry Forum; cell in frames; central information facility; channel interface; common image format; common interchange format; common interleaved frame; core image file
abbr., el., scient. Common Interface Format
abbr., electr.eng. central instrumentation facilities
abbr., exhib. Cost, Insurance, Fright
abbr., file.ext. Common Interchange/Intermediate Format; Chapter information (Ventura Publisher); Graphics (Caltech Intermediate Format)
abbr., genet. clone inhibiting factor
abbr., IT Catalog Interchange Format; Cells In Frames; Graphics; Cells in Frame; common intermediate format; Computer Integrated Finance
abbr., med. Cartilage Induction Factor; Congenital Infantile Fibrosarcoma; clone-inhibiting factor
abbr., mil. Candidate Item File; Central Issue Facility
abbr., multimed. common image formal
abbr., nautic. Cost, Insurance & Freight (Seller pays all these costs to a nominated port or place of discharge)
abbr., O&G remote CIF (MichaelBurov); remote coupling installation frame (MichaelBurov)
abbr., oil cost, insurance, freight, commission and interest
abbr., railw. ex-tackle
abbr., rem.sens. colour infrared film
abbr., securit. corporate income fund
abbr., span. Spanish Tax Identification (hizman)
abbr., st.exch. Colonial Intermediate High Income Fund
abbr., tax. commodity inspection fee (Yuriy83)
abbr., tech. Cost, Insurance and Freight; cost insurance and freight-named port of destination
abbr., textile cost; insurance and freight
abbr., transp. Cost Insurance Freight
abbr., UN capital investment fund
energ.ind. control interface software
energ.ind., abbr. cash inflow
int.transport. cost, insurance and freight (Incoterms)
law, stat. cost, insurance, freight
mil., abbr. central index file; central information file; central issue facility
tech., abbr. central instrumentation facility
: 11 phrases in 3 subjects