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bt abbr.
abbr. bleeding time; body temperature; bit
abbr., earth.sc. Bathonian
abbr., med. bedtime
abbr., sport. beat v.
mining. bitumen
O&G bituminous
refrig. boiling temperature
bt. abbr.
abbr. bolt
abbr., earth.sc. bitumen
abbr., econ. bought
BT abbr.
abbr. Balance Transfers; Booker T; The Beginning Of Time; Battalion Training (or Terminal); Bering Time (-1100, TZ); berth terms; barge, training; bent; At Bed Time; business trip (ipesochinskaya)
abbr., AI. BackTracking
abbr., auto. battery; best time; body & trim; brake tester; bus transfer
abbr., avia. Bench Test (Zealot2002); balance test; block tooling; bomber transport; burn time (engine); Air Baltic
abbr., biol. basal temperature
abbr., commer. Builder's Trial (Ships)
abbr., comp. bluetooth (допустимый вариант сокращения Dmitry)
abbr., comp., net. batch terminal
abbr., comp., net., IT BitTorrent
abbr., econ. Board of Treasury; Board of Trustees
abbr., el. bismaleimide triazine (resin); Baghdad time; backbone technology; balanced transmission; between; bias-temperature (reliability test); biconical taper; BIFORE transform; block terminal; branch time; Braun tube; broadband terminal; buried trench cell; bus transaction
abbr., electr.eng. bus tie; low tension (voltage Yakov)
abbr., hebr. baal tshuva (Жаргонизм. Употребляется для обозначения еврея, который возвращается к соблюдению религиозного уклада, уже будучи взрослым Alexander Oshis)
abbr., hemat. bleeding time (MichaelBurov)
abbr., IT Bit Test; Busy Tone; bit transmission (time)
abbr., med. Bacillus Thuringiensis; Blood Type, Blood Typing; Bovine Turbinate (cells); bitemporal; bladder tumor; borderline tuberculoid; bowel tone; Brains Trust; brain tumor; malaria benign tertian malaria
abbr., meteorol. Bergens Tidende
abbr., mil. Basic Training; Big Tank
abbr., mil., air.def. bandwidth time
abbr., mil., avia. balloon tank
abbr., nautic. Berth Terms
abbr., nautic., scient. Bathythermograph
abbr., O&G, sakh. ballast tank
abbr., oil billion tons (MichaelBurov); bottom (andrushin); buttress thread (andrushin); broken teeth (andrushin)
abbr., physiol. Bacterial Tracheitis
abbr., physiol., med. Bleeding Time
abbr., plast. thermoplastic poly (1-butene)
abbr., police British Telecom; body temperature of a victim (Val_Ships)
abbr., polit. Bhutan
abbr., scottish Battery Target; Bullet Trap
abbr., silic. bending test
abbr., textile back tacker
abbr., transp. Boat Tail
abbr., vet.med. bluetongue
abbr., weld. Burn Through (Yeldar Azanbayev)
abbr., work.fl. broader term
ecol., abbr. bathythermogram
ecol., mil. bathythermograph
mil., abbr. base target; basic training; beam-riding tail-controlled; blasting time; boat tail; bomber/transport; burn time
tech. bus traffic
tech., abbr. batch testing; beginning of tape; bipolar transistor; boiling transition; bought; bus transceiver
Bt abbr.
abbr. biotite; baronet; byte
abbr., earth.sc. bytownitite
abbr., oil total formation volume factor; British ton; butadiene; bytownite
leg.ent.typ. betéti társaság (коммандитное товарищество в Венгрии 4uzhoj)
Bt. abbr.
abbr., earth.sc. bukit
BT abbr.
abbr. bit torrent; block transfer; build-transfer; basic trainer; boot-top paint
abbr., avia. balance tab; beta testing; block time
abbr., busin. billet; boat; boat-tailed; boiler tube; bolt; brain trust; bulk inclusive tour; but
abbr., chem. blue tetrazolium
abbr., dril. broken insert
abbr., earth.sc. baht; basement thrust; bathythermographs; benzotriazole; biologic treatment; brightness temperature; butanthiol
abbr., econ. basic tool industries
abbr., el. bandwidth-time (product)
abbr., fin. before tax (Ася Кудрявцева)
abbr., fish.farm. belly thickness (iwona)
abbr., footb. break time (in extra time Alex_Odeychuk)
abbr., IT burst tolerance
abbr., NATO Boarding Team (Nu Zdravstvuy)
abbr., oil background investigation; bathythermograph trace; bathythermometer; battery-powered; bed thickness; before-tax; bending-tension; Benoist bethel sand; bias temperature; binary Fourier representation transform; binary trigger; board of Trade; body of telegram; booster transformer; boot-paint; borehole trajectory; Bourdon tube; bow thruster; breakthrough; burning temperature; burst trapping
abbr., space barium titanate; bombing table
abbr., telecom. Bellini-Tose system
: 19 phrases in 4 subjects
Government, administration and public services8
Materials science2