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si [si:] abbr.
mus. si solmisationsstavelse
 English thesaurus
SI [si:] abbr.
abbr. Scientific Investigation (iwona); sorted insert; special indication; Standard of Ireland; Standards Institute; Statutory Instruments; Surveyor's Institution; substituted polysiloxane
abbr., avia. selective interrogation; simple interest; software identification; special identification; speed intervention; standby instruments; straight in (approach); substitute item; supporting interrogator
abbr., busin. salvage loss; sample information; Shipping Instructions; simultaneous interpretation; Substitution Index; sum insured; Superintending Inspector of Factories
abbr., cardiol. stroke index (igisheva)
abbr., chem. silicone; synergic index
abbr., commer. Standards of Israel
abbr., dril. shutin
abbr., earth.sc. Salt Institute; seawater intrusion; self-induction; semischist; shut in (a well); Silver Institute; simple iteration; site inspection; specific impulse; stability index; Standards of Ireland; statistical interpolation; storage index; straightness index; strain index; streamflow increase; stream improvement; stress index; strongly implicit method; structure index; subirrigation; sudden impulse; Sulfur Institute; supplementary irrigation; surface impoundment; Survey of India; sustainable income; symmetric instability; straight-line
abbr., eng.geol. shrinkage index
abbr., fin. settlement instruction
abbr., med. similarity index (ННатальЯ)
abbr., oil saturation index; saturation of invaded zone; scale inhibitor; seismic inversion (method); selectivity index; semiinsulating; separation index; shale index; shut-in; sieve texture; sludge inhibitor; sneak in; solubility index; spectrum index; square inch; stable isotope; steam injection; structural index; stuffing box inlet; surface intercept
abbr., police senior investigator (Val_Ships)
abbr., radio screen-grid input
abbr., seism. shot interval (Vicomte)
abbr., space serial interface; servicing instruction; signal interface; signal-to-intermodulation ratio; stereo imaging; switch indicator
abbr., sport. single in; substitute in
abbr., tech. system international of units; step to idle (Brücke)
Si [si:] abbr.
abbr. silicium (silicon); silicone plastics
abbr., earth.sc. sillimanite; silt; silty
Si. abbr.
abbr. simple
abbr., earth.sc. siliceous
SIER abbr.
abbr., el. self-induced ellipse rotation (effect)
SI [si:] abbr.
abbr. Singhalese; Smithsonian Institute; Staten Island; Supplemental Instruction; System Integrator; System International; International System of Units; ACM Government Spectrum Fund, Inc.; Sacro Iliac; salinity indicator; SCI Corporation; Scientific Instrumentation; Substitution Instance; statutory instrument (LadaP); sector indices; Systeme International d'Unités; Secure Internet; Selectable Interface; Self Inserted; Seller Identification; Semi Iterative; Sequential Injection; Sexual Innuendo; Shift-In; Shitty Import; Side Information; Signed Integer; Silly I; Simply Irresistible; Single Inheritance; Sino Indian; Slightly Imperfect; Slightly Insane; Slow And Ignorant; Slow Idiot; Slow Import; Socket Interface; Software Independent; Solution Integration; Source Index; Southport Inn; SPARC International (organization, Hersteller); Special Inquiry; Special Instructions; Special Investigations; Speech/Language Impairment; Sport Influenced; Sports Information; Standard Interface; Stockmarket Indices; Sub Indices; Sultan Ismail; Support Installation; Synchrotron Injector Division; System Information; System Internationale; table lookup; Union Pacific Railroad Company; shadow index
abbr., adv. sponsor identification; store identity
abbr., AI. Speaker-Independent
abbr., anim.husb. Standard International
abbr., auto. starting index (kotechek); severity index; side; silver; smoke index; solid injection; spark ignition engine; Standard International Unit
abbr., avia. sample inspection; science instruments; semiconductor industry association; sensor interface; slip indicator; special inspection; straight in approach; strip inspection; supplier item; unit standard international unit
abbr., biol. smear index
abbr., BrE Security Intelligence
abbr., cartogr. slough
abbr., chem., scient. Silicon
abbr., chromat. Specified and Identified Impurities (Игорь_2006)
abbr., commer. Software Item (also called CSCI (Computer Software Configuration Item)); System Integration effort (part of the System Development and Demonstration phase)
abbr., commun. service intercommunication
abbr., dipl. Socialist International
abbr., el. signal integrity (analysis); shift in (character); secondary interface; secondary ion; self-isolation; Semiconductor International; sense indicator; sequential information; serial input; service indicator; service interruption; service interworking; signaling rate indicator; single implanted; single impurity; SIU interrupt; slot in; soft interrupt; software industry; solar irradiance; solar irradiancy; source impedance; source input; spatial information; SPDU identificator; special interface; spectral index; speech interpolation; speech inverter; spurious interrupt; standard instruction; static induction; statistical image; step-index; stepped index; storage immediate; strobed input; subsystem interface; superconductor-insulator interface; superimposition; surface imaging technology; surface impedance; swap in; swarm intelligence; switch interpretation; synchronous idle (character); Système Internationale
abbr., el., scient. Semi-Insulating
abbr., electr.eng. switching impulse
abbr., energ.ind. short interruption (MichaelBurov)
abbr., fin. Selected Issues papers
abbr., food.ind. Something In
abbr., geophys. seismic interference (MichaelBurov)
abbr., IT Shift In (ASCII character); sample interval; speed index; system integrator; service information
abbr., law Statutory Instrument (http://encyclopedia.thefreedictionary.com/Statutory+Instrument naiva)
abbr., Makarov. simple interval; surface ionization
abbr., math., scient. Systeme International
abbr., med. Small Intestine; international system of units; stimulation index (Игорь_2006); sacroiliac (vlad-and-slav); serious infection (iwona); sacro-iliac; serum insulin; serum iron; social introversion; soluble insulin; stress incontinence
abbr., media. Sports Illustrated; Stand In
abbr., met. shatter index
abbr., mil. Special Interest; System Integration; surveillance and inspection; United States Strategic Command strategic instruction
abbr., mil., air.def. signal interference (ratio)
abbr., mil., WMD site investigation; Systems Integrator
abbr., nautic., scient. International System of Units; Smithsonian Institution
abbr., O&G Shell International (MichaelBurov)
abbr., O&G, sahk.s. shut in
abbr., O&G, sakh. le Systeme International d'Unites; sensitivity indicator; silt index; Simulation Study; Site instruction
abbr., oil shut-in (well); solidification index; System International d'Unites
abbr., opt. step index
abbr., physiol. sucrase-isomaltase (Игорь_2006); SacroIliac; Speech Impaired
abbr., physiol., med. Self Inflicted; Self Injury
abbr., plast. silicones in general
abbr., polit. Sandwich Islands; Slovenia
abbr., polym. dimethyl silicone rubber; self-ignition; swelling index
abbr., progr. service information (ssn); smart instrument (ssn)
abbr., refrig. Le System International d'Unites
abbr., scient. Sas Institute
abbr., scottish Sergeant Instructor (British Army); Seriously Injured
abbr., soil. siltstone
abbr., transf. Switching impulse (Natalya Rovina)
abbr., transp. International System
comp. scintillation index
energ.ind. sample interface; slagging index; sold internationally; sorbent injection; source identification; source information; structural integrity; structured information; supplementary insulation; survival index
gas.proc. slug injection
invest. short interest
logist. Shipping Instruction (отгрузочное поручение aptr)
mil. secret information; secret intelligence; security identity; security information; selected item; selective identification; sergeant instructor; service inspection; service instruction; ship item; shipping instruction; signal instruction; signal-to-interference; special instruction; special intelligence; specific inventory; spot inspection; spot inventory; staff inspector; standardization and interoperability; standing instruction; station identification; supply instruction; systems integration
physiol. Sacroiliac
st.exch. swing index (dimock)
tech. safety injection; satellite interrogator; scene identification; security inspector; semi insulating; shift-in character; Shuttle interrogator; signature identification; sine integral; site index; space integrating; spaceborne interrogator; speed indicator; stellar identification; stress intensity; strong interaction; surveillance inspection; surveillance instruction; synchrotron injector; systeme international d'unites
TV serial-data in
Si [si:] abbr.
abbr. Sinian (MichaelBurov); Sinian age (MichaelBurov); Sinian time (MichaelBurov); the Sinian (MichaelBurov)
abbr., auto. silicium/silicon
abbr., el. cluster
abbr., med. silicon; venous sinus
abbr., mil., avia. silicium
abbr., names, dimin. Silas; Simon
geol. Sinian Complex (MichaelBurov); Sinian Era (MichaelBurov)
si [si:] abbr.
abbr. sheet iron; slight imperfection; spark ignition
abbr., earth.sc. slate
O&G sampled initial signal
χ-Si abbr.
abbr., el. crystalline silicon
α-Si abbr.
abbr., el. amorphous silicon
si. abbr.
abbr., libr. silent
: 15 phrases in 7 subjects
Earth sciences2
Immigration and citizenship1