
   English Danish
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Refers to a | piece of jewelry
 piece of jewelry
industr. construct. smykke
wherein the | item
gen. post
comp., MS vare; element
fin. econ. konto; budgetpost
IT felt; element
stat. enhed; objekt
s | metals
environ. metaller
| meet
gen. samling
| to
med. ad
| create
comp., MS oprette
| a sharp
 A sharp
mus. ais
| edge
polygr. model. snit
While | sharp
agric. coal. fodermel
the | edge
polygr. model. snit
is nor sharper than | a
mus. a
| butter knife
mun.plan. smørkniv
- only individual words found (there may be no translations for some thesaurus entries in the bilingual dictionary)

to phrases
 English thesaurus
refer [rɪ'fɜ:] abbr.
abbr. ref
O&G refrigeration
REFER [rɪ'fɜ:] abbr.
abbr., med. Research Findings Electronic Register
Refers to a
: 5 phrases in 2 subjects