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North America
 North America
econ. Nordamerika
| Statistical Areas
 statistical area
gen. fælles statistiskområde
| Boundary
gen. grænse; grænselinje; afgrænsning
comp., MS grænse
el. grænseflade
| File
comp., MS Filer

to phrases
North America [ˌnɔːθə'merɪkə]
econ. Nordamerika
North America A continent in the northern half of the western hemisphere, bounded by the Arctic Ocean in the north, by the Pacific Ocean and the Bering Sea in the west, and by the Atlantic Ocean and the Gulf of Mexico in the east, connected to South America by the Isthmus of Panama, and including the United States, Canada, Mexico and several small island nations [ˌnɔːθə'merɪkə]
environ. Nordamerika
 English thesaurus
North America [ˌnɔːθə'merɪkə]
abbr. N.Amer.; NA
North America Statistical Areas Boundary File
: 8 phrases in 4 subjects
Immigration and citizenship2